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Hi fellow readers. I know this picture doesn't match this chapter but I found it and I found it really cute so I just wanted to put it on to share it with you all. They so adorable😍❤

Cisco's POV

I didn't want to mention it at the time in case it made Cait feel worse but she really was becoming Killer Frost like from Earth 2. And she's right, she is unpredictable and dangerous and if she is trying to take control over Caitlin then we have to make this cure as quickly as possible. I wonder what Iris is thinking about about all of this...oh no Iris. I've been so caught up with finding and helping my best friend that I didn't even get to speak to Iris about telling everyone that we are finally together. She's probably so mad or really upset. I better talk to her before I have to go on yet another dangerous mission.
This was our conversation...

Cisco: (knocks on the door of Joe's house)

Iris: (opens the door looking very tired. She also has an untidy bun with pyjamas on) Cisco??

Cisco: You look even cuter than my gadgets.(he smiles)

Iris: Nerd...come in.

Cisco: (walks and sits down on the couch)

Iris: So what's wrong?(she joins him on the couch) Shouldn't you be resting for tomorrow?

Cisco: Yeah I should but then I remembered that I didn't even get to tell the team that I' know...with you now(getting slightly shy). And I just wanted to see if you were okay with it or not.

Iris: Cisco I'm okay, I promise.(she smiles reassuringly) Getting Caitlin that cure is our only priority now. I don't want to brag to everyone that we're in love with each other when there are much more important things to focus on.

Cisco: I don't understand, you're making it seems like you are not my priority too. Our relationship is also important.

Iris: Of course it is! Look what I'm trying to say is that maybe now is not the best time to tell everyone considering everything going on. But I really do want to tell the whole world that I'm with greater genius of all time!

Cisco: Yeah you better be grateful.(grins)

Iris: Oh I am.(kisses his cheek)

Cisco: (blushes) I better go get that sleep now. (yawns)

Iris: Okay I'll see you tomorrow. (walks him to the door)

Cisco: I love you Iris...

Iris: I know, I love you too.

Cisco: (kisses her goodnight and leaves)


Barry: Okay is everyone here?

Cisco: Yip.

Barry: Okay good. Iris, Joe you okay looking over the city alone for a while?

Joe: We always do.(stands proudly)

Iris: You guys just focus on getting that cure alright.

Barry: (nods)

Caitlin: (breathes out deeply)

Barry: Are you okay?

Caitlin: Yeah its just I'm so worried that we won't be able to do this in time know.

Barry: That won't happen I promise you.

Cisco: Yeah the good guys always win.

Harry: Except for that time when-

Everyone: Harry!

Harry: (raises his hands in surrender)

Cisco: Is everyone ready now?

Caitlin,Barry and Harry: Yes!

Cisco: Okay let's go baby!(opens the breach)

Iris: Cisco!

Cisco: (turns around) Yeah?

Iris: (walks up to him and kisses him infront of everyone)

Everyone: (stands still in shock)

Cisco and Iris: (they smile) We'll explain later.

Caitlin: Okay then we are definitely talking about that when we get back(she smiles excitedly at the both of them). But for now, remember try to avoid your other selves as much as possible. We don't want to mess up or confuse their lives.

Barry: Got it!

Iris: Be careful guys!

Joe: Goodluck.

(They all jump in the portal to Earth 52)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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