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Cisco's POV

Maybe I went too far but she had to know exactly how I felt. Sure what I said wasn't exactly true but I hope she felt the endless pain I feel of being alone. I mean what happened to put beautiful trio?? We were all so happy being friends but no they had to develop feelings for each other. Wait what am I saying!? I care about Caitlin and Barry, I want them to be happy but why do I resent it so much then? I helped with the Felicity issue and I mentioned her parents. Why would I say such a thing to Cait? Oh that's right because they don't give a damn about me...I asked them to meet me at the coffee shop to give our friendship one last try to see if it could ever be the same again, but in the end they only thing they could talk about was each other in bed. I'm honestly sick to my stomach. They never ask me anymore, they are only interested in each other's lives, they don't care about other people anymore. And I mean it sucks, Cait was my friend long before Barry. We were the bestest of friends and always had each other's back, and even when she left the team for a whole year it was because of Barry! My feelings didn't cross her mind, she was prepared to leave me just like that because of some feelings she had developed...and she did. I am so angry at the both of them but I know the main reason is because I miss them. The jokes we make, the gadgets we invented together, the normal geeky friend conversations, the fun we would have together. Guess I don't really like change after all.
My conversation with Iris...


Barry: Good morning, anything happen while I was gone?

Iris: Nope, it looks like a nice day to just relax.

Barry: Anything can happen at any time guys so be cautious.

Harry: Will do Allen(walks into his lab and starts to work on something)

Iris: Hey has anyone seen Caitlin today?

Barry: She's staying at my place today.

Iris: Why is she sick?

Barry: No but she is definitely sick of seeing someone.(looks at Cisco)

Iris: Cisco what did you do?(folds her arms in an irritated manner)

Cisco: None of your concern Iris. (trying not to hurt her feelings, then walks into his part of the lab)

Iris: Cisco wait...Barry!

Barry: What!?

Iris: Why were you so rude to him?

Barry: He doesn't deserve any sympathy especially from me and Caitlin.

Iris: I'm so sick of this constant tension all the time. The three of you have been best friends for years, I'm sure you can sort this out.

Barry: Caitlin cried in my arms for hours yesterday because of him!

Iris: It couldn't of been that bad...

Barry: Well it was! We were just working on his powers yesterday when he snapped and started insulting me and Caitlin's relationship, he even mentioned her parents death!

Iris: (shocked) No he couldn't of, I mean there must be a reasonable explanation for this.

Barry: I don't care what his explanation is! All I know is that he said some pretty hurtful things to my girlfriend. So before you defend him why don't you find out the full story.

Iris: I'm not choosing side Barry. I'm asking you to give him a chance.

Barry: Call me when there's a emergency.(runs out with super speed)


Iris: (trys to find Ciso) Ciscoooo!!!

Cisco: I'm here! (shouts glumly)

Iris: (walks into the room) Ciso what's going on?

Cisco: Iris you don't have to be caught up in this mess, just leave it.(starts to tinker with a gadget)

Iris: (walks up to him and puts her hand on his shoulder) I'll only leave it if you go talk to them and tell them the truth.

Cisco: Whatever Barry told you is the probably the truth.

Iris: I don't believe that, you were so excited to train. Something must of happened and I think you should tell them because I am really tired of everyone leaving each other.

Cisco: (slightly laughs) You're literally the peace-maker in this team.

Iris: I'm not smart like the rest of you and I don't have powers so if there's anything to do besides giving orders, I'll gladly be a peace-maker.(laughs)

Cisco: (frowns) But Iris you are smart. I mean think about it, you make all the decisions in this team and all the sacrifices and risks you have to make can be really tough sometimes so I think you're pretty smart in your own way.(smiles sheepishly)

Iris: (she stares into his eyes amazed)

Cisco: (looks away) I think I'll go talk to them now.

Iris: (blushes and breaks the eye contact as well) Yeah ummm you go do that!(shoves him out the door)

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