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Caitlin's POV

My name is Caitlin Snow, a doctor, scientist and on Team Flash. I have accomplished this all by the age of 18. One day the Flash and his team were in trouble and needed another smart mind to help develop a machine to get rid of a very powerful enemy. So Dr Wells their team leader called me for help and told me everything e.g Why he needed my help and who the Flash was. Dr Wells knew me because he was my science teacher before and recognized my brilliant brain and talent. After I helped them, they were impressed by me and wanted me to stay on the team, I agreed to but the real reason was because of Barry Allen. He seemed so irresistible to me and I just couldn't stay away. After months of knowing each other we became best friends and hung out a lot with his best friend, Cisco Ramon and soon enough we were just as close. The problem is even though I had this huge crush on my best friend, not only was he the Flash but he was also 23 years old and I was 18. When I found out his age I immediately tried and I mean really tried to stop liking him but failed in the end. And the more I tried to stop, the more I was falling for him which made it difficult to talk to him and be around him. Why? Because I became nervous everytime he spoke to me and I was afraid to say something stupid even considering how smart I am. When he is around me it takes all my mental strength to not get up and just kiss him because, well his irresistible remember! One day while I was at home i realised something that would change my life forever. He was no longer my crush, an image that stayed in my head all day, the person I worried and cared for as a best friend, I was in love with him. My body shook and my head tried to wrap around the word 'love' and when it did I was completely overwhelmed, I had no idea how I could get over him now. He was with Iris, the love of "his" life. She was absolutely perfect for Barry and I can't think of anyone else who deserves to be with him. So I did the first thing that came to mind, I was going run away as far and fast as possible. I had no idea how a teenager could fall in love with someone, at first I thought they maybe it's my hormones but it seemed too real to have just been hormones. Leaving seemed like the only option but I did not intend on leaving before saying goodbye to newly found family.
And this is how I left...

Caitlin: Hi everyone, I need to tell all of you something.

Cisco: Are you pregnant?

Caitlin: (offended) What!? No Cisco! I'm not some kind of slut!

Cisco: I'm just checking (putting his hands in surrender)

Barry: Cisco shut up! Caitlin go on...

Cisco: Okay okay

Caitlin: I'm leaving....

Everyone: (gasps)

Iris: (sounding sincere) Where are you going?

Caitlin: I'm moving to Starling City, to go to college there and get more experience of becoming a scientist. I also got a scholarship so that's another bonus.

Iris: But you're a great scientist already, you've proven that to all of us.

Dr Wells: I agree with Iris.

Caitlin: Harry you wouldn't believe how grateful I am to have been a part of this team and that you saw the greatness in me when no one else did.

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