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Caitlin's POV

I wanted to stay up so badly and wait for Barry but it was getting very late and I was feeling really tired so I decided to do what I was told and sleep. The reason me and Barry meet up is because we only see each other in the morning when we wake up and then he goes to work and I go to work, we sometimes see each other again when he has to save the day and he becomes the Flash, but that's all. I miss him so much and so does he, which is a miracle, because how in the world could someone as perfect as him miss someone so imperfect like me! But I don't complain because if he misses me too then that is a dream come true. Anyway so we decided to meet at my apartment at night to catch up or be a little romantic...Other times its his apartment which I prefer because his bed is built for 2 people unlike mine, but I kinda like my bed also because that means we have to lay really close to each other to fit. Now that I think of it I don't think he minds at all;) It really sucks though when Barry has to work late to make up the time he had lost because firstly I'm all alone, secondly I miss him even more, and thirdly I get even less time to spend with him! It's not fair, I want to be with him all the time and I know our relationship is very new still but I can't help but feel like we're past that stage already because our love for one another keeps on growing everyday.
Now here's me in the middle of the night...

Barry: (vibrates through the door and switched on the lamp that dimly lights the room up, and then walks toward Caitlin and starts stroking her cheek.) Hi Cait, I'm home.(whispers and kisses her on the forehead and then turns around but immediately feels his hand being grabbed)

Caitlin: (very sleepy and talks drowsily) Welcome home Barry. (squeezes his hand tighter)

Barry: Did I wake you up?

Caitlin: No I was waiting for you.

Barry: Cait I told you not to...

Caitlin: I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I missed you too much.

Barry: I missed you too.(smiles)

Caitlin: Can you get in bed already?

Barry: Alright (undresses and is left with a boxer on and no top with his abs being very visual)

Caitlin: (she notices his abbs and her eyes widen)

Barry: (looks at Cait) What?

Caitlin: What, nothing...I just think you look very hot showing your abbs and all (bites her bottom lip)

Barry: (sarcastically) Oh I'm sorry must I close this distraction for you (reaches for his top)

Caitlin: NO,don't you dare! Now get in bed. (giggles)

Barry: (switches off the lamp and jumps into bed next to Caitlin) Good night Cait...I love you. (puts his one arm over her body and moved himself closer to the point where his whole front body is touching her back side)

Happiness vs Love(Barry×Caitlin)Where stories live. Discover now