She felt herself being handed over to another set of arms.

She wanted to sigh and exclaim in joy all at the same time.

It seems she was now a baby and that meant that awful experience she went through was her birth.

May it never happen again.

So she was reincarnated.

She heard a soft voice. By this time her hearing was very clear and she could make out the voice to be female. She dared open  her eyes again and was met with amazing rose gold orbs staring back at her. She had never seen anyone with such an eye color. Maybe because that wasn't possible. Well at least not in her old world.

The woman staring down at her smiled a loving smile and she wanted to return one. That was her mother. Only a mother would smile like that. She thought her mother was beautiful. Pale skin with amazing rose gold eyes and Platinum Blonde hair. How she hoped she turned out as beautiful as her mother.

As she was admiring her mother there was a loud bang that made her jump. She tried to look in the direction it came from but her angle prevented that.

"Honey are you alright? Is the baby ok? Are you both ok? "

It was obviously a man's voice and he sounded very worried and excited at the same time.

"Yes we're fine" her mother giggled. "Please don't be so loud you'll startle her"

She heard the shuffle of shoes on tile and soon a handsome young man was in her vision. He had silver spiky hair and gleaming red eyes. She blinked as she looked at him.. A beautiful mother and handsome father. She was a very lucky person. With those genes she was sure to be a looker in the future.

A big goofy grin spread across her father's face as he stared down at her. She was aware of a finger being wiggled into her tiny hands and gripped onto it tightly.

"She's got a mighty grip" her father boomed in laughter as he dangeled her hands above her.

Another person entered her vision. He was dressed in all white and had a mask over his face.

"Again, congratulations on your beautiful daughter Mr and Mrs Kiddo. Do you have a name for her? If not would you like to go through some suggestions? "

The husband and wife glanced at eachother before looking at their newborn.

"What do you suggest Nico? " the husband asked.

The wife, Nico, gently stroked her baby's hair with a smile.

"I was thinking Shino. It's derived from Shinobu which means endurance. What about you Shiro? "

The man stroked his none existent beard in thought.

"I was thinking Hīrō which means Hero"

"We can use both can't we? It's not unknown for a child to have two names"

"Good point" Shiro nodded. "I guess it's settled then. Our little girl's name shall be Shino Hīrō Kiddo"

"The enduring hero" Nico smiled happily at her infant.

The newly named infant cracked a small smile. She liked her name. She thought it was cool. Seeing as she had a Japanese name and both her parents did as well she knew she was Japanese. For some odd reason she was having no problem understanding the language. She wasn't going to question it. Better not look a gifted horse in the mouth. She would stay grateful for having a second chance at life in her favorite country. And for having parents who loved her.

Shino spent around a week at the hospital. Her mother needed to recover and she needed to go through the proper check ups. Her father was there every day all though not the entire day. He had work to do after all. She wanted to know what he did for a living, but with everything going on she never once heard him mention anything that would hint towards what he did for a living. She'll find out at some point.

Her days in the hospital weren't all that exciting and she was yearning to get out of there and see where she would be living from now on.

The day finally came. She was shuffled into some cute baby clothes and her father led both her and her mother out of the hospital and to his car. Shino was impressed by the model. She had never seen anything like it before. It looked like a hybrid between an SUV and a Rolls Royce. It was painted a sleek black and just looked amazing.

The small family got into the car and set off to their home. Shino was in her mother's arms with a good view of everything passing by. She watched multiple buildings pass by. Each had their own design and purpose. She didn't pay them any more attention than she needed. The buildings looked normal. The streets looked normal. Everything seemed normal

The car stopped at a red light and she continued to stare out the window. There was a small park down the road. Kids were running around while parents sat with watchful gazes. There was this one kid with horns playing with another that had snakelike skin. She blinked upon seeing them and tried to get a better look. She didn't know if what she was seeing was real or if her eyes were playing tricks on her. The car started to move again and the kids were soon out of view. She dwelled on what she just saw as she continued to eye her passing surroundings. Those kids really had animal like features. Her attention was soon directed to a passing billboard. On it displayed a bulking blonde figure with hands on his hips dressed in a red hero costume. He had the  cape and everything. His eyes could not be seen. All she saw was shadows. He had two pointy bangs that reminded her of a rabbit  .

She recognized the  figure. He is someone she had seen millions of time. She had read about him and watched him do amazing things.

The man was All Might.

She saw All Might proudly displayed on a billboard. She put that together with the kids she saw and came to an immediate conclusion.

She was lucky enough to be reincarnated into her favorite anime.

She was in the world where 80% of the population had super powers known as quirks..

She was in the world where being a super hero is a real and highly respected job.

She was in the world of My Hero Academia.

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