[09] Jail-Wait-what?!"

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Sitting between Asuto and Hiura, you look at your coach talking about strategy with bored look on your face, leaning against the light blue-headed male with your head resting on his shoulder and it looks like he has nothing against it as he let it be, trying his best to ignoring the fact that his face is burning.

With soccer experience for few years sure is helpful, huh?

"So–" He was cut off by the door slammed open and your eyes widened slightly when you saw a man in a black suit at the corner of your eyes and showed a paper before handcuffed his wrists, making you shot up from your seat in shock.




"Coach!" You called out and was about to rush over him but were stopped by the other man wearing the same outfit. The Chinese man look at you and flashed you his infamous smile for assurance, "I'm sure this is all a mistake. I'll be back soon–"

Oh really?


" 'Back soon', huh? What an unpromising words."You muttered angrily through your gritting teeth, tapping your feet impatiently with your arms crossed, "The match is about to begin and he hasn't shown any signs of coming back."

You felt a gentle tap on from behind on your shoulder, causing you to glance over it and see the person who caused it.


You couldn't help but noticed the expression that she is wearing on her face, filled with concern and anxiety.

"[L/N]-san, what if it won't work? I-I don't want to disappoint the others nor you." She look up with almost teary eyes, causing you to taken aback but quickly regained back your composure.

"Don't worry, you've trained hard for this match. There's a small chance for you to fail after those hard works so don't give up easily, okay? Just relax and enjoy this match like we always do."

She heaved a relieved sigh and flashed you a smile, "You're right. Thank you, [L/N]-san."

When you heard emcee announced that the match is about to begin, all of you couldn't help but have to pull this off on your own.

"That fatass. . . I know he is beyond suspicious but hacked into the government's secret files from his own computer? I can't believe this."You groaned, throwing your head behind but your gaze then fell on the band around your wrist and a beeping sound coming from it.

"Speaking of the devil . . ."


'I got arrested. . . (• ω<) (Tee-hee).'

You read the message in your head as an irritating grin make its way on your lips. 'Tee-hee' my ass. Use the appropriate emoticon in the right situation, dammit.

[Y/N] [L/N],

Umihara Norika,

Hiyori Masakatsu,

Those are the name of players who are the key to making this strategy a success and there is no surprise when your name was included. But what surprise you is–

" If I stop sending the message, [L/N]-kun will be your coach and giving you order ヽ(〃∀〃)ノ"

Asuto read the message out loud before whipping his head to look at you including everyone else. You raised a brow.

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