Moving Forward

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What do you do when the world you know has been ripped to pieces, and all you could do was watch? Do you find those responsible and take revenge, do you move on, do you fall into a pit of despair or you live your life better than before?

Harry was walking next to the small creek that created the border to the Greengrass estate. He had been staying with Daphne and her family since the second week of summer. He had planned on staying in the Finnigan \home that had been left to him, but even the thought of it sent him spiraling into darkness. Daphne somehow knew his conflict and convinced/forced him to stay with her and her family.

Daphne's father, Lord Tiberius Greengrass, was a businessman through and through. He knew what he wanted and did what he had to when it came to be getting it. At first, Harry found him cold, but after a month of staying with them, he knew he cared very much for his family. Harry could see that Astoria Greengrass, Daphne's younger sister, had Tiberius wrapper around her finger.

When Tiberius heard that Harry Potter needed help, he had two thoughts. The first being that no orphan boy who just lost their best friend should be alone, and the second being that having the Potter heir as a friend could be a very fruitful venture. So, he let the young boy into his home, welcoming him as the son he never had. While Harry was grateful for the generosity, he was still suspicious of the older man.

Now, Daphne's mother, Victoria Greengrass, was the exact opposite of her husband. The moment Harry stepped into their home, Victoria had him in a bone-crushing hug, telling him that he always had a home here. Also, unlike her husband, Victoria was rigid to her daughter's wants. While Tiberius ran the business, Victoria ran the house, and nothing could escape her view. This relationship between the Greengrass parents had led to many of the more traditionalist Purebloods to exclude them from many events that took place in their social circles.

Many of the other friends that Harry made in school also would visit from time to time. Hermione came for a visit after her family returned from their trip to France. Neville would stop by to give Harry a chance to be with another boy his age. The Weasley's visited once, but after a thunderous argument between Molly and Victoria about where Harry should be staying, only the twins and Ron would come, and even then, it was sparingly. Tracy Davis and her boyfriend Blaise were regulars at the Greengrass estate. Tracy and Daphne would run off to do whatever it was they did, leaving Harry and Blaise to talk about nothing despite their time studying together awkwardly. Harry and Blaise had formed a tentative friendship, but the worlds they grew up in were different from the point of conflict. Harry couldn't fully understand how Blaise's family were famous assassins but never arrested, and Blaise couldn't fully accept that Harry could live without magic.

It was still lonely, sure Harry and Seamus grew apart even before Seamus was possessed, but he couldn't help but think that he could've tried harder to go and see his best friend. Harry had felt that he would've been intruding on what should have been Seamus and his parents becoming a family again. Harry smiled to himself as he thought of all the misadventures they got into. The smile quickly disappeared as he realized that those would never happen again. The sound of footsteps pulled Harry from his thoughts.

"Though I'd find you here." Daphne's voice rang in Harry's ears. He turned to her and took in his host and friend. Daphne, like Harry, was beginning to show signs of puberty. She was starting to grow taller; she had already gained a few centimeters since school ended. Her face was beginning to change, her cheeks here becoming more angular, like her mother, as her baby fat began to disappear.

Harry blushed as he realized that she was going to become a beautiful woman. She already had the confidence of an adult and, thanks to the tutoring of her father and mother, was magically skilled while still being so young. Harry looked to the ground as his blush began to rise past his neck.

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