New Home, New Secrets

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*Nine Years Ago*

Dumbledore was in a fit of panic. He traveled to Surrey to check on Harry Potter, to make sure his relatives still had him. upon approaching the house, he immediately sensed that the blood wards were down. This was now a problem he had to correct. He entered the Dursleys home and scanned their minds to discover what they did with Harry. Seeing they had rid themselves of Harry, Dumbledore allowed a small growl to escape his throat. He obliviated them of his visit and headed to muggle London where the orphanage was that Vernon dropped Harry off at.

It didn't take Dumbledore long to find the location, but when he arrived there the building was abandoned and falling apart. He reached out with his magic and felt for any wards or protections and upon finding none, other than some residual magic, Dumbledore grumbled to himself about idiot muggles and apparated to the Leaky Cauldron. What Albus didn't understand that there were wards on the orphanage, but also a powerful illusion. This spell acts as a diversion to those trained in magic detection. It is a sort of in plain sight Fidelus. The first thing it did was give the illusion that whatever building it was over was now either decrepit, closed or condemned. Sometimes it combined different ones depending on the location of the building and the person or persons looking. The other thing the spell did was that it wasn't performed with a large magical push, but a slow drain on the caster. It wouldn't drain the wizard dry, but it does take time to complete. This way, any magic that is detected is seen as left-over magic from the past. Albus, in all his experience and wisdom, forgot that sometimes the best spells can be the simplest. Why would someone use an illusion spell instead of something more suited, like a powerful ward or the Fidelus charm. Either way, he put it to the back of mind. He had to find the boy before all was lost.

*Five Years Ago*

Dumbledore had searched in every nook and cranny for Harry Potter. He had essentially flipped all the UK upside down in search of the boy. Harry would be a boy by now, so Dumbledore searched all the primary schools in the UK and even a few on the continent, just in case. There was no sign of him, but Dumbledore would not give up. Harry was the key to victory over Lord Voldemort, who Dumbledore didn't believe was dead. For the sake of the Greater Good of all the wizarding world, Harry Potter must be found.

*One Month Before start of Term*

Dumbledore was sitting in his office, the various do-dads and trinkets that filled the shelves filling the air with light noise. Harry couldn't be found anywhere, but his trusted associate, Professor Minerva McGonagall, informed him the Harry's acceptance letter had been sent. Hopefully Harry would not only receive it, but decide to attend Hogwarts. Dumbledore had contemplated applying a light compulsion charm to the letter, but decided against it. If Harry discovered magic, it was possible that he could sense the charm. No, it was better to hope that Harry would come, the Owl would find him, no matter where he was on the planet.

*Present Time*

Harry awoke in what could only be the school hospital. The white sheets on the many beds along with the white curtains that hung from the windows, all gave the room a sense of cleanliness. Harry loosed a small groan as he felt his body. He was sore all over, it felt like he had been tossed onto the A2 and the many cars had run over him. A noise came from his left, so he looked over to the source. The sound was a door opening, it was attached to a small office at the back of the room. A short witch came out and walked to Harry.

"Well Mr. Potter, I can honestly say that I have never had a student visit me on the first day of school before. How do you feel?"

"Like I've been run over by every vehicle in England."

"I'm not surprised, let me get you something for the pain and then we'll do another check-up now that you're awake."

The medi-witch walked to the back wall of the room, which was covered in shelves of bottles of varying size. Some were as small has Harry's pinky finger, others were large enough for Harry to climb in and still have room. the witch walked back with three bottles in her hands. One was small, round and red, another was skinny, like a test vial in muggle science, and was filled with something clear and the third was tall and cylindrical and filled with something green. All in all, Harry was nervous from the items.

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