It's in the Walls

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Harry and Daphne found a small corner in the library that was relatively secluded, giving the two some privacy. Harry sat down and began pulling out various books and papers. Daphne gave him a questioning look to which he was returned a look that said 'wait'. Once Harry was done gathering and organizing his various texts, he looked Daphne in the eye.

"What do you know about the Chamber of Secrets?" asked Harry directly.

"Well, I know that most of what we know on it is a rumor, including its very existence," said Daphne. "That supposedly Salazar Slytherin created and placed some monster there to protect the school from muggles."
"You've just about got it. Since the attack on Mrs. Norris, I've been doing all the research I can on it, trying to figure out where it is. I learned a few things from our fellow classmate Draco that, according to his father and Snape, that it's real and that there is indeed some monster." Harry paused to grab a book from his stack and flipped open to a specific page. "So far, I have found next to nothing that could be considered factual about the Chamber, but there are enough agreements between them all that there can be some truth to them. Read this paragraph here." Asked Harry, turning the book to Daphne, while keeping a finger on the spot where he wanted her to start.

Daphne looked to where Harry was pointing and began to read.

Salazar held no love for the muggles after the death of his wife. He, with his three friends, wanted a safe place for magical children to learn how to control their gift. Salazar's gift to the school was, among other things, a beast of his creation. A beast that could kill with a single look, that would always be at the ready to protect the school and all who inhabit it. The beast knew the difference between the magical and mundane.

Daphne finished reading and looked up to Harry questioningly. "Well, while that is very interesting as the origins of the chamber, that doesn't say where it is."

"Exactly, this beast is supposed to protect any who reside here, before I let you in on the big secret, read this." Harry had pulled out a new book and opened to the page he wanted Daphne to read. Daphne pulled the book in front of herself and began.

The Basilisk, Daphne looked up at Harry in surprise who motioned for her to continue to read, is a creature that was first sighted in the early 7th century and was known for is paralytic stare. The only known enemy to it has always been the rooster. The call was too much for the Basilisk to handle and the high pitch of the sound caused the beast to die from sensory overload. Only one magical person was brave enough to attempt to study these creatures. Hogwarts founder Salazar Slytherin.

Daphne involuntary gasped as she read the last sentence, all the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place in her head. She looked back up to Harry, who was grinning like a fool.

"So, you're saying that the beast is some sort of Basilisk that Salazar Slytherin modified to his own specifications?"

"Exactly, and I think I know where the entrance, or at least one of them, is."

Harry grinned at Daphne's response, and began packing his bag, Daphne quickly followed suit and soon they were off, running down the halls.

They had little time till it was dinner, so they had to be quick. Harry lead Daphne down to the second floor. As soon as Daphne began to question if Harry knew where he was going, He stopped in front of a door. Daphne quickly saw that it was a girl's bathroom.

"I assume this is where we are going."

I won't tell anyone if you don't." Harry replied with a smirk.

Daphne just rolled her eyes and pushed open the door. Harry followed her inside and locked the door behind them. Daphne looked around but didn't see anything that immediately looked like a secret door. Of course, it wouldn't be that easy, so she looked at Harry.

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