B&E With a Touch of Theft

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The house wasn't well protected, who in their right mind would try and steal from the Rothschilds. After some research, Harry discovered that the Rothschilds family was easily one of the most successful and powerful families in history, from banking and investment to real estate, they had a finger in every pie. They literally, have the power to say how much gold is worth. There is sure to be more stipulations, but that is the gist of their power. That is also why it would make them a perfect target.

Harry and Seamus each held a tuft of Anubis's fur in one hand and held their wands at the ready in the other. Anubis began to trot with the boys keeping pace. She soon began to slowly gain speed until the boys were at a steady jog, she led them directly into the shadow of a large tree. Neither of the boys could help but flinch as they reached the tree.

"Should've practiced doing that beforehand," thought Harry to himself.

Shadow travel was uncomfortable, it was like being wrapped in a wool blanket that not only was trying to smother you but was also ice cold. Thankfully as soon as it started, the sensations stopped, and Harry and Seamus found themselves inside of a timeworn hallway. On one side there was lines of paintings, each being different from the last, the Hall itself was made of brick and mortar as is the rest of the mansion. They also learned that this place was originally built for Baron Mayer de Rothschild who used it to show off his expansive art collection. During World War II, it was a safe keep for many of England's more valuable property. It is rumored that not all the valuables were taken back out after the war, allegedly as payment for their initial protection. While many of the works of art that were in public view have since been sold, there are said to be plenty of secret hide-a-ways where treasure is still to be found.

Harry and Seamus nodded to each other, there was to be little to no speaking while inside. Harry looked to Anubis.

"Alright, good job. Now make the connection to Seamus and we can get started," said Harry to the Grim.

Anubis looked at Seamus who made eye contact with the magical beast.

"Seamus, can you hear me alright?" came the sultry, rasp that was Anubis

"Yea, this is really weird though, I feel like we could've done all this beforehand," responded Seamus."

"Maybe, but for now it's time to focus."


Seamus looked to Harry who understood the silent go-ahead. They each memorized the layout of the huge building and had some ideas where there could be hidden caches. They each had a medium sized Duffle bag to fill and after one final shared look the two boys ran in opposite directions as Anubis once again disappeared into the darkness.


Harry ran down the hall, passing paintings, tapestries and suits of Armor that seemed to line every hall. Harry stopped at the first door he came across. This room started as servants' quarters, then became storage. The room was currently filled with crates and boxes that seemed to be equally covered in dust and cobwebs. Harry knew none of these containers held anything of significant value. It was well known that throughout the years, many a servant had bene caught stealing from the house. Reaching out with his senses, Harry felt a small opening farther into the room. After some wiggling, climbing and crawling, Harry managed to find the hidey hole where hopefully something would still be there. Harry was facing a wall and was focusing on where the wall and floor met. Harry moved his hand across the surface until he felt the slightest of deformations on the plaster. Giving said bump a little pressure caused a larger portion of the wall to slide away from the rest of the wall, allowing Harry to remove the hatch completely.

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