Chapter 21

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Arthur hid behind a tree to keep an eye on the activities in the camp from a distance. He saw some men dragging Alexandra out of the tent, her hands tied and face taped. They made her sit on the horse and went towards their palace. They were being lead by their king.

Arthur started following them.

Their small army comprising of fifteen men stopped at the palace. Amongst the crowd Arthur entered the palace without being noticed. He followed them to the dungeons where they locked Alexandra. Arthur quietly went back. He rode his horse as fast as he could, it was a small distance but in those hours of panic it seemed like forever. He couldn't even think of anything bad happening to her, this thought scared him. This thought kept recurring and every time he would try to ride faster than he was. Soon, he reached the camp side and woke up prince James.

What's the matter Arthur?" Asked James, opening his eyes

"My prince, princess Alexandra" he was interrupted by James

"What happened?"

Arthur narrated the whole incident.

Arthur, James and Leon along side forty men moved towards the palace. It was now morning. The whole incident shook them. Each one of them was praying for her to be okay, while Leon was reassuring that Alexandra wasn't an easy target. "She trains daily, and has several times helped in making combat operations, she must be alright" said he, however in his heart he was also scared for the security of the princess.

They reached the gates and  stopped. Arthur, James and Leon decended from their horses to sort out the plan. They were at a distance. Arthur said
" There's a small door at the backside of that wall, while I was following them, two of the gaurds came through it. I also used the same door to exit"

"But what if the door's closed from the inside, we don't need to make much sound" said James

"Let's have a look first, maybe it's still open" Leon said

They slowly walked towards the door, upon the nod from James, Leon tried to open it. To his relief the door was open. He snuck inside, and saw a small passage by the side of the lawn. He went on and found himself by the courtyard. His emotions were triggered at the scene he witnessed. Alexandra was standing in the courtyard and Lucifer's men circled her. He quickly got back and signaled James and Arthur to follow him. Along them their men also came inside the palace. They advised twenty of their men to stay out in the lawn and take covers. When all of them were hidden, the trio went in the courtyard. There was a corridor with huge marble pillars, the corridor was dark and it was easy to avoid being seen there. Their army shut the doors of the courtyard without bringing it in the notice of Lucifer, as he was in the courtyard at the time.

"What if there are men in the palace?" They thought
"We'll get through them, the safety of the princess is more important, now" said James
At that moment, they heard Lucifer say,

"You are very naive princess. You've made it easier for me to rule your land. As now I will ask your father to surrender; at the expense of your captivity. But I won't release you at any cost. You will have to live the rest of your days here" he said with an evil grin, and then he asked his gaurds, " my servants go and ask for a feast to be prepared for our dearest helper. And you, write a letter to the king notifying him of his daughter's captivation". Lucifer said pointing towards a soldier. "It would be interesting to see what would that Anderson do when he finds out, we has his jewel"

Three gaurds left the courtyard. They moved into the palace.

Suddenly a soldier of Lucifer's small army fell on the ground. He had an arrow in his chest. Lucifer immediately held a knife on Alexandra.

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