Chapter 4

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Next day the preparations were being made, the whole palace was being decorated with flowers and artifacts and chandeliers. The queen at witnessing the sight said, 

"My King the preparations for this prince are none like before, do you have something in mind?"

The king who was looking the other side, looked towards his Queen with a smile

"You know me well Armenia..., James is the prince I've always wanted for Alexandra. He's strong and brave, and his kingdom is a strong one". He said

"As you know Alexandra is of age and our heir to the throne is young so we need the support of as many kingdoms as we can. This matrimony can be our strength with the added benefit of Alexandra having the perfect match".

The king expressed his thoughts, but there was something that he was hiding. The thought that by this matrimony, he would have the alliance of a stronger kingdom and the fear of King Lucifer would finally diminish. But for that he firstly wanted Prince James to admire his kingdom for which he was making all this preparations.

"But Anderson, will Alexandra accept this?" She has been raised as a prince, by you; her thoughts and ideas are different not just from any princess but as a young woman her ideals vary from everyone of her age" replied the Queen

"She would certainly agree to what I say, you'll see"

After a pause, thinking something the king asked 

"Where is she anyway?"


Alexandra was riding her horse she was being followed by twenty soldiers. On her left was the most trusted companion of her. They soon reached a land where a man was standing. They descended far than him. Upon Alexandra's orders the soldiers circled the man. Alexandra went nearer the man, she was wearing a cloak, her face covered by the hood.

"Can you provide the documents of this land?"

The man turned back furious at the voice of a woman.

"You filthy creature, how dare you ask me a question like that?" he responded

Alexandra stood calm and said, 

"I do not wish to repeat, you must answer the question?"

The man got furious and took out his sword, with its sharp blade pointed towards Alexandra he said 

"Do you still wish to know?"

With him taking his sword out his companions also took out their swords. All of them raised towards Alexandra.

"Yes" she calmly replied; and took her sword out.

Upon Alexandra's action her men took out their swords. Now the guards and the men were pointing their swords at each other and then the fight broke out.


"Father" said Brigadier Leon.

"I have advised you several times not to address me as father while in office". Replied commander Orland

"I apologize, commander, the matter is of grave importance. It has come to my notice that Princess Alexandra has left the palace with 20 men in order to capture Lord Woods". Said Leon

"Lord Woods" exclaimed commander

"Yes, commander"

"Leon, you must leave at once, take men with you" ordered the commander

"But sir, she is courageous and strong I think she can handle this"

"Even the most bravest commander needs an army Leon; we must never underestimate what we are up against... now leave at once" said commander

Without wasting a second Leon turned and he was riding towards the land with 20 men.


The land was now battle field, lord wood's men outnumbered Alexandra's men. Alexandra's small army was losing it. Alexandra knew how to fight with sword but she was not as skilled. Noticing her weakness two of lord's men circled her. She was about to get hit when one of them fell. He had an arrow in his back, the other fell after him. As Alexandra looked up, it was Leon.

"I reached at right time, princess" said Leon

"Give me that bow and arrow" said Alexandra

The soldiers were now more than Lord's men. One man hit Leon with his sword giving Leon a cut on his arm. That man was about to hit him again when an arrow aimed for his heart made him fell. It was Alexandra's aim

"We are balanced, now Leon" she remarked.

Soon all the men were captured and tied.

Alexandra said

"Would you answer my question now, or should my men get it out of you Lord Wood?"

He was in agony.

The people standing by gathered round and formed a crowd. Alexandra looked at them, their appearance resembled to that of laborers.

"Do you work for him?" she inquired

One of them recognized the princess and said

"Your Highness, our families are captured by him and due to that reason we are forced to work for him" "Please your highness free us from this slavery"

"Why had you not reported before of his crimes" Asked Leon

"He has our children sir, he threatened to kill them" the same person from the crowd replied

"Xavier search Lord's belongings, the documents must be found. The properties belonging to him and his companions should be seized and the hostages must be freed". "Put this man in the dungeons, along his other companions" ordered Alexandra

She then walked towards the people and said "Do not worry as your princes has come to your rescue, you will be reunited with your families, and this is my word"

"Long live princess Alexandra" the crowd chanted.


Alexandra arrived at the palace, her parents were sitting in the courtyard.

"Father we have just captured the man who looted the belongings of the innocent, he held women and children as hostages and the men were forced to work. Xavier will be arriving shortly with the documents and then the land could be returned to its owners".

"Alexandra, I am deeply proud that you are brave but you have to be wise. You left without notifying anyone; if Leon had not gone to your rescue had this been possible?" King said at once

"Father, I may had lost it at first but then I fought strongly. Leon may have a cut on his arm but he is fine and I was the one who rescued his life" replied Alexandra

"I do not wish to argue, Alexandra! Whenever you wish to go on any expedition you have to notify the Brigadier at all costs;... and this is an order" said the King in a firm voice

King's stern command silenced Alexandra; that silence broke with Queen's voice

"You need to get ready, Alexandra; as we are expecting Prince James to arrive shortly" said the Queen

"I almost forgot mother, I'll be ready"

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