Chapter 12

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The next morning James was very excited, he was waiting for Arthur to wake up but he was sleeping longer than usual. He went to Arthur, woke him up and said

"Today is the day I will be making proposal to Princess Alexandra"

Arthur was shocked to hear the words, he didn't know how to react.

"But my prince have you thought this through?" said Arthur

"Yes, Arthur and I can't wait longer than this" replied James

He s love and excitement to narrate his feelings was visible in his eyes. James was acting like a child and just wanted to ask Alexandra's hand.


Alexandra returned from her training; she was feeling very fresh, while walking through the corridor; she saw Prince James pacing

"Is everything alright?" inquired Alexandra

"Yes.. Princess, may I have a word with you?" asked James

"Sure" replied Alexandra

Alexandra was not sure, but she felt like he was going to tell her about his feelings for her, which she had already known through Arthur. James started pacing again, his fotehy was sweating, he was also breathy heavily and was mumbling some words. Though he was a Prince and a very charming one, but he was standing against Alexandra, the most fierce princess he'd ever met and he wasn't sure how she would respond to his question.

"I thought byou wanted to say something" said Alexandra, upon noticing his hesitation. "Prince James, do not hesitate, let me know what you wanted to tell me"

And he said,

"I had always wanted for my wife to be a woman who is wise. I have always preferred this characteristic more than beauty. As I want my Queen to be wise, whom I can consult in legal affairs and you princess... he began again

"You are a perfect combination of beauty and wisdom. Your qualities have had an impact so strong; that I am forced to ask you, your approval..."

Alexandra was startled but she was listening. James continued saying

"My princess I am deeply in love with you and I wish for you to be my wife. Would you grant me the pleasure by answering in yes?" asked James

Alexandra stood there surprised, she gathered herself together and replied


James looked at her with astonishment. His dreams were just shattered, he had imagined various possible outcomes but none of them compared to what had just happened.

'I can't marry you. Prince, you are a wonderful man who respect women in every manner however I can't reply in yes as there is someone..." she went quiet after saying those words

"Do you hold someone else dear?" inquired James, in utter shock.

'Yes" said Alexandra

"He must be a very lucky prince" said James with a heavy heart, understanding that every heart has the right to love.

"He is not a prince; he is a common man" replied Alexandra

"A common man; Alexandra if you marry a common man you can never become a queen" said James in surprise

"I am not certain; if I want to be one at the moment" replied Alexandra instantly

"All your life, you have trained to be a wise queen. One who looks after and serves her people; one who devises new plans in the best interests of people. All that you are willing to give up merely for a man." Said James arguing

"He is the love of my life. I could leave every status for him" replied Alexandra in a fierce tone

"Perhaps I was wrong, I thought you are wise and will become a caring queen. But you are not. I'm sorry to say Alexandra you are not worthy of being a queen." James said and left the place

His last words left Alexandra but in shock, she stood there wondering.

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