Chapter 19

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It was a bright day, the sun was yellow and shiny, birds were chirping, it was a very fine spring morning. Every person was happy instead of the princess. This was the day when prince James was arriving with his parents.

The guests were warmly welcomed by the king and queen of Gardenia. Alexandra came to welcome them. While meeting king and queen of Queensland she noticed a familiar face and it took her breath away. It was Arthur, she hadn't thought that he would come. Arthur's condition was same.

The whole day Alexandra sat with them, king Phillip and queen Roxelana were very pleased and inspired by Alexandra.

"Princess, may I have a word" said James

Alexandra nodded in response.

They went out Alexandra was looking in the space. James was struggling with words as he still remembered what had happened previously. He managed to say it after looking here and there for a while.

"I sincerely hope that you haven't taken this decision under force"

"It is my will prince. I put my people ahead of me, seems like I am worthy of being a Queen" with those words Alexandra left. Her words were as fierce as she was, they left a deep impact on James and he was startled however he was happy that she had agreed.


Arthur was pacing while panicking in the balcony. He was not certain whether Alexandra would come, but the place was special to him as this was, where they had spent time together. He was very fond of this balcony. He was staring at the stars when he heard footsteps and looked in their direction. He was so happy to see her, that out of joy he ran towards her and hugged her.

"I had no hope of seeing you" said Alexandra looking at him

"Neither did I but James insisted on me coming, saying I'm his only friend; couldn't help it". Replied Arthur, with that they let go of each other.

"It is probably out last night together how about celebrating us; rather than whining?" Said Alexandra in a cheerful manner.

"Alright" responded Arthur, he was surprised at her change of behavior but he knew that deep down inside she is depressed.

"In some dreams I saw you playing violin, do you play?" Asked Alexandra

Arthur got up and went inside the room, Alexandra looked at him with surprise. He came out with violin in his hand. He sat there and said
"I'vee learnt it to play for you after I saw myself playing in the dreams". Alexandra looked at him with so much love, he started playing. Alexandra listened to him for the longest time. Love reflecting from her eyes and calmness in his. It seemed as if they were unaware of their realities and had lost in this very moment. Arthur finished playing and they gazed in other one's eyes.

"Is this how our story ends?" Asked Alexandra

"Honestly. I don't believe so... I don't know why but I don't believe that." Said Arthur shrugging.

"Then what it will be" said Alexandra

"I guess we would have to find out" replied Arthur, he then continued saying

"Alex, since the day I first saw you in my dream, I started writing an account of all of our encounters. The dreams, the memories and also that strange incident, all of it; until this very day. I have it all the time with me. It's in my chest. I don't know but I wanted to let you know of it. In case anything happens I want you to have that diary and keep it as a reminder of me"

"Arthur, why are you saying so?" Said Alexandra in a worried tune

"I have no idea, my heart just said to let you know, so I did". Replied Arthur

Alexandra looked at him in a very scared yet worried manner. She was scared for him.

"I should go... This might be our last meeting ever" said Alexandra

Nodded Arthur and he let her go.

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