Chapter 2

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The staff dragged that girl and kicked her out, while you were taken to the hospital. There was a huge crowd outside the hospital because BTS and their staffs were the one who took you there.

And on the other side, the girl was taken to the police station by the other staffs and was enquired. She then opened her mouth and spilled the whole story that she planned for 2 months.

In the hospital

You woke up after 3 hours. You slowly opened your eyes, struggling with the bright lights of the hospital room. You saw Jungkook sitting in the chair next to your bed and rest of them standing near you.

There was a nurse in your room who was around her 20's you guessed. You turn back to her side and asked "Excuse me Miss am I alright? Why am I here? And is my head hurt or something because damn I see Bts"

"It's because Bts is really here with you" -she giggled
"Whaaat......??" -you shouted still shocked.

"Hey calm down" -Jungkook said.
"Okay..But why am I here?" -you asked them still not believing the fact that they were with you for real in the hospital.
"That girl punched you and that's why you are here" -Jimin reminded.

Finally you remembered every single thing happened there. "But how did you know about that?" -Namjoon asked while you were still thinking about it.

"While I was standing in the queue I heard the girl talking with someone, she said that she had already inserted camera in the soft toy, she also said that she will leak unseen images, numbers, videos, and so on. I was so shocked, I did not believe at first and then this happened" -you said the truth and they were all shocked not believing that there are more crazy crazy fans.

They all thanked you for telling them, but you still need to stay in the hospital for one week to fully recover. "You can bring your things here Miss y/n, for one week you are going to stay here in the hospital" -the nurse said you.

"What? How can i stay here for one week? I have booked tickets. I'll be leaving tomorrow evening. I should go home tomorrow" -you said her not wanting to stay in the goddamn hospital.

"You have got to stay here for one week and That's final, okay?" -Jungkook said with a serious tone.

Y/n: "But....."

Tae: "No butts y/n"

Jin: "We will change the day of you going home okay"

Y/n: "But, one week in this room it will be so damn boring you. know."

Bts: "You don't have to worry about that"

You were so shocked after hearing that from them. After sometime they left you alone. You slept there in the hospital. You always sleep with someone next to you. Your mom or your sister. But you were all alone and scared.

What if someone break the door and come inside? What if the ghost is sitting next to me watching me getting scared? What if suddenly the power cuts? What if I get murdered?

You were scared to death. You lighten up the lamp. You went to the gallery, the view looked so cool and noisy. The view of the river from your gallery looked so beautiful. The lightning and the shining stars in the sky made you forget about your worries, your pain, your fear.

You decided to sleep in the gallery as it was noisy and not very silent like your hospital room.


I like to write it as dialogue it's more interesting for me you know.

Anyway enjoy the next part.

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