Chapter 56

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Concert Michael

Michael's P.O.V

My month apart from Shay completely sucked. As far as the band, we were great. We had some tracks finalized for our second album & a new single about to be released with an EP to follow but I missed spending my time with Shay.

We would skype like three times a week, we talked on the phone almost daily, even if it was just for a few minutes. We were always sending snapchats or silly texts but nothing could compare to physically being with her.

It took me about a week before I could fall asleep without her next to me...I would toss & turn for hours until exhaustion just took over. It wasn't the same without her in my arms.

It did make me appreciate her & what we have even more though. I now truly did appreciate the four months we had together & now I knew I'd love it even more once we were reunited.

The band had been in London for two weeks now. We were promoting our new single & also doing a short tour there. We had a week or so of shows left in the UK & then we had some cities in Europe we had shows in before we'd then fly to America & do the promo/tour circuit there. I was happy we would be in America soon because it meant Shay would be in the same country as me again. Except for right now, because she was coming to visit us in London for a week.

So now I was on my way to the airport to pick Shay up!

We were currently in Manchester with a show the tomorrow night so Shay flew into the city.

I found where her flight was & then I waited for my baby to come back to me.

Shay's P.O.V

Wow, no wonder why people hate long distance relationships. They're hard. I think Michael & I did a good job of getting through it though.

Once I got back into NYC, I officially moved back in with my parents & things were fine. I told them about Evan & my mom cried for a week about it but the truth was out & we talked a lot about everything so in the end, it brought us closer. My dad felt horrible that I had gone through such a horrible thing alone, & he hated that he still worked with Evan's dad, but the truth was out. I didn't have to lie or hide from my parents anymore. 

My book idea was also officially picked up by a publishing company so I submitted a rough draft right before I left for Manchester. The book was an auto-biography about my life from when Evan assaulted me through the day I left rehab & the company wanted a second book about post-rehab so I was currently working on that.

I wanted to see Michael so bad though, this month apart was rough.

Once my flight landed in Manchester, I felt rude but I cut off a lot of people on the plane, rushing through customs & everything before speed walking to the arrival area & then I saw him. I saw Michael. 

It was a movie moment, we ran to each other & then he just hugged me so tight & spun me around.

"Shay! My baby!" I couldn't even talk, my head was squished into his chest. "God I missed you so much. You look so good!" He said, pulling away & letting me breathe as he spun me around.

"I missed you so much." I smiled before leaning up to kiss him.

"I'm so happy you're here!"

He hugged me again before we went to get my suitcase out of the baggage claim & then we went back into a car that took us to the hotel they were staying at.

I felt completely happy again.

The car brought us to the back entrance of the hotel so we didn't have to deal with the fans outside which I appreciated. I couldn't wait to see the other three guys too so I just wanted to get inside!

Reasons - m.cOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora