Chapter 45

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"You'll find out at midnight, babe."

Shay's P.O.V

"So where are we driving to?" I asked him.

"You'll see. You don't even know the city so even if I told you, you wouldn't know where we were going babe."

"True. Fine, I'll wait." I pouted & Michael just laughed at me. 

We didn't drive for that long before he parked on the street.

"Alright, follow me." I didn't even bother asking where we were walking to, since I knew Michael wouldn't tell me, so I just held his hand & followed him. As we walked, there were a few girls who yelled at him & he just waved to them, every time asking if I was okay.

Finally he stopped & turned, now walking towards a door. A hotel door.

"A hotel?"

"You'll see...wait here a second." Michael told me as he went around a corner, I think to the reception desk, & then he came back out a minute later. "Okay, come on."

I just went with it. We took the lift up to the top floor & then we went up the stairway up to the rooftop. Now it made sense.

Michael opened the door for me & it opened to this beautiful rooftop with lights strung around, quiet music playing & some tables set out for dinner. Michael gave his name & we were led to a table & it overlooked the city. It was beautiful. 

"This view is outstanding." I said as we sat.

"Isn't it? We stayed at this hotel a few times as a bad & we used to sneak up to the roof. I did some research & found out they have dinner up here &so I made a reservation as soon as I found out."

"I love it, thanks baby."

"Only the best for you."

I loved where we were sitting. Our table was far enough away from others so it was quiet around us, just Michael & I. There was so much commotion going on in the city below but it was peaceful up where we were. It was the perfect contrast. 

"So do you have any like New Years Resolutions or goals or anything?" Michael asked me as we were eating.

"Uhm, I don't know. I think resolutions have like too much pressure but I guess I do have like goals."

"Like what?"

"Sobriety haha, obviously. Uhm & I have a goal to try to get my book published somehow & in order for that, I want to tell my parents about Evan."

"Wow, Shay. Those are all great & I know you can do all of them. But seriously, you want to tell your parents about Evan?"

"Yea. I mean they're still curious as to why I started drinking in the first place so I think I want to tell them. Plus if this book thing happens, I wrote about the assault so like that would be a shocker to them if they read it & I don't want to surprise them that way.

"Okay, I understand. I know they'll care Shay. I mean obviously they won't like hearing it because it's a messed up situation but I think they'll appreciate the honesty & they'll be there for you.

"Thanks. What about you?"

"My goal is to not turn into diva Michael again. I just want to put out a solid album that I'm proud of & I want to tour the world with the right intentions. Oh & I'm trying something different." Michael said with a slight smile.

"Different? What are you talking about?"

"I made a New Years goal that has to be done before it hits midnight. Instead of something that needs to happen into the new year, this one has to happen before this current year ends."

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