Chapter 48

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The Question

Shay's P.O.V

The next few days after my breakdown, Michael had a few writing & studio sessions so I hung at the apartment a lot. I didn't want to intrude on his music process so we spent a bit of time apart while he worked. I explored Sydney alone a bit which was a nice break & I also skyped with my therapist from Lake Placid because it had been weeks & I needed to talk to someone about everything that had happened since coming to Australia. Michael had the suggestion that I could find like a temporary therapist just for the time that I'm in Sydney but that would mean telling my story again to another stranger so I just settled for skyping someone who had already been helping me.

My therapist gave me advice on how to handle the new negativity I was now faced with & she also gave me some suggestions on how to move forward with Michael, specifically in the area of intimacy so I was excited to try those things with him eventually to work towards us finally  having sex.

One evening, all of the boys were back from a day in the studio session & I had the desire to work out.

"Michael, is there somewhere I can go running?"

"What do you mean?"

"I used to run all the time in New York & at the lake before it got cold & icy. I kind of just want to go for a long run. Is there a gym or like outdoor path I can run?"

"I'll go running with you!" Luke said excitedly as he jumped off his chair & ran next to me.

"Would you really, Luke?"

"Yea, I know your boyfriend isn't into the whole running thing & the others like lifting better but I could use a long run too. I have a path I take outdoors when I'm here. It's like an hour or something, but we can cut it shorter if need be."

"Okay, yea. That'd be awesome."

"Cool. We can go tonight once the sun starts to set?"

"Sounds good."

"Ha look at that Michael, I have a date with your girlfriend." Michael just stuck his tongue out at Luke's comment but I appreciated that Luke would run with me. I had gotten yogurt with Ashton that one night & now I was going to bond with Luke so it was nice.

I waited a bit before I went into Michael's room to change into my exercise clothing, which was just running shorts, & a sports bra with a tank top over it. 

"Ready?" Luke asked as I met him in the kitchen, getting a drink of water before we left.

"I am. Are you?"

"Definitely. Think you can keep up with me?" He joked.

"I think the question is can you keep up with me?" Calum laughed at my comment & he high-fived me. "But I'm kidding. I haven't ran in a few months so we'll see how I am."

"No worries, we'll just find a pace that works for both of us. We can stretch once we get to the start of the path."

"No, stretch here!" Michael wined.

"& why would that be, babe?" I said looking back at Michael who was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, not even trying to be subtle as he checked me out.

"Cause your body is rocking in that, darlin'." He winked.

"The maybe you should run with me next time." I laughed before walking towards the door. "Cause tonight, this is all for Luke."

Michael pouted his lip. "Luke, no looking at Shay's ass."

"No worries, Mikey. I won't. But my feelings are hurt. You never tell me my body is rocking when I put workout clothes on."

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