Chapter 54

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That Little Black Dress

Shay's P.O.V

After approaching the fan hate with humor & like just answering some of their tweets, I began to feel better about the situation. It wasn't ideal but I could handle it.

Calum's 19th birthday was tomorrow though & so all of the guys wanted to go out & celebrate with him. I talked about it with Michael awhile but I decided to go too. It was at a club, so it would be my first time back in that environment but I wanted to at least see what would happen if I put myself back in that scene. Michael said he wouldn't drink that night & I was happy he said that. This was the first time I actually didn't want him to drink either & he agreed to leave whenever I was ready to go so I knew that as soon as I felt anything negative, we could leave & it would be okay. I wanted to celebrate with Calum since he's been such a good friend to me ever since I had met him.

We were going out the night before his birthday though so at midnight, once it was officially his birthday, everyone could take a shot & start his day off right, well start his day off drunk.

My black eye was getting better as well so I didn't look as hideous either so I was comfortable going out as well since I knew, unfortunately, pictures would likely be taken.

I just figured to distract people from my eye, I'd wear something hot which Michael quickly agreed with as a brilliant plan.

I hadn't packed many clothes for this trip, especially clothing for going out to a party, but I did have a little black dress that hugged in the right places with a pair of heels that I hadn't had an excuse to wear yet but I thought it worked for this occasion.

I was in the bathroom finishing my makeup in my towel so I wouldn't get any powder on the dress when Michael walked in.

Ever since we had sex, our boundaries went out the window & we kind of walked in whenever, whereas we used to knock when entering the bathroom or bedroom if the door was closed. 

"Hi Shay."

"Hey Mikey...awh you look so good! I've always loved you in that look!" I loved whenever he wore shirts buttoned up, like he just looked good in them.

"I've always loved you in your towel so if you wanted to just keep that on, I'd be content." He joked.

"Just you wait. I have something you'll like better than this."

"Then why are we waiting! Change Shay!"

"Lemme finish real quick."

So I quickly finished my makeup before I went into his closet & grabbed my dress.

"Hell yea! I've been waiting to see you in that." He bit his lip as I took the towel off & slipped into the dress. It had a zipper on the side so I didn't need his help but he still walked over to help me anyway. "I got it babe & you're right, I do love this. You look gorgeous & sexy & beautiful & stunning...should I continue?"

"No, that's okay. Thank you."

"Just remember, whenever you want to go, let me know & we'll come back here...I can think of plenty of things to do if we were home alone."

"Alone or not, it hasn't stopped us yet." I smirked.

"Well, we won't have to hold back this time. You don't have to bite the pillow to stop you from screaming my name." Michael whispered that into my neck as he wrapped his arms around me. It made me want to stay right then & there.

"Calum who? Do we even need to go?"

"For a bit, okay? Trust me, I'll wanna get back too." He said into the kiss he left on my shoulder. "Now let's go because I'm way too tempted right now & I need to be a good friend."

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