Chapter 5

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The Verdict

Michael's P.O.V

I spent the entire next morning trying to find the perfect recipe & then spent the day cooking for Shay. I wasn't sure if she was a vegetarian or anything, I never asked, but I settled on a pasta dish anyway just in case.

I finished cooking everything by 5:45. 15 minutes to spare before Shay would arrive.

When I heard a knock at the door, I slid on the wood floor in my socks over to the front  to let Shay in.

"Hi Shay."


"Come on in, make yourself comfortable."


"I think dinner is almost ready."

I went over to the kitchen to make sure the rolls hadn't burned in the oven as Shay just looked around the place.

"So if this is just a temporary house, are any of the things in here yours?" Shay asked from across the room.

"Nah, not really. I mean all I have here that's mine is my clothing, my laptop which can't connect to any wifi anyway & my toothbrush. Oh & my guitar."

"Gotcha...What's this?"

I walked over towards her & saw she was looking at something on the desk in the corner.

"What is what?" I said, once I was next to her.


& then she held up my return ticket to Sydney.

"Oh, my ticket home."

"So you already know when you're going home? There's a time limit on how long you have get your shit together?"

"Yea, I guess there is. 68 days."

"So you have 68 days to figure your shit out?"

"Yep, pretty much." That made me laugh.

But I also had just 68 days to figure Shay out, if she'd let me.

"Well, ready to eat?"


& then I led her over to the table.

"So you cook?"

"No, not really. Just started today." I explained to her.

"Oh great, so is this going to be any good?"

"Hey, don't doubt me. I followed a recipe & it's just pasta, who could screw up pasta?"

"I'll let you could very well be the first."

"Did you want anything to drink? I have some wine I can open."

"Where did you get wine? You're not 21."

"It came in the house. Before I moved in, someone stocked up the house with food & I guess they included some alcohol."

"Gotcha, but no thanks. I'll just have water."

"Okay. Do you not drink? I mean if it's 21 here, do you just not drink yet?"

"Yea, I don't really drink."

I got her & myself some water & then sat down to test my cooking.

& once we both took a few bites, I confirmed that it wasn't that bad.

I can cook.

"So the verdict?" I asked.

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