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Bailee knew that Alyssa needed to know. She needed to know about the baby. She didn't want to hurt her and she knew something had to be done.

When morning came, she grabbed her phone and text Iain;

Lyss needs to know. She really does. Tell her please. She'll be mad but she'll come round - Bailee xx

She sent the text and sighed. She didn't want to be a dirty little secret. She hated it.

When she got to work that morning, she saw Iain with Alyssa. She saw them kissing. She knew in that moment that Iain hadn't told her.

Bailee walked inside and got changed. She felt the tears stinging her eyes. Alyssa walked in and saw her best friend in tears. "Bails? What's up?" She asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Just having a bad day."

Alyssa nodded. She wasn't convinced though. She knew when Bailee was upset and she hated it. "You know you can talk to me don't you? I won't ever judge you."

"I know."

Bailee sat in the ED. She was waiting for a patient. Iain came in and saw how upset she looked. "What's wrong?"

"Until you tell Alyssa the truth, leave me alone. Stay away from me."

Iain inwardly groaned. He knew Bailee was stubborn and she wouldn't let him get away with anything. "I'll tell her soon. I promise you," he said.

"Save it. You're just full of excuses Iain. I don't need it and I don't want it," Bailee said as she led the way into Resus.

Alyssa could tell that something was going on with Bailee. She didn't know what it was. She hated seeing her best friend so down and miserable.

When Alyssa went into the staff room, she saw Bailee's locker open. She knew she should have closed it. But she wanted to make sure her best friend was okay.

Alyssa saw a piece of paper and picked it up. She paled when she saw a baby scan. Her best friend was pregnant.

Bailee saw Alyssa standing in the staff room. She went inside. "When were you going to tell me?" Alyssa asked.

"Tell you what?"

Alyssa sighed. "Bails, I saw your locker open. I went to check to make sure nothing was missing and I found the scan. You're pregnant aren't you?"

Bailee paled. She felt the tears hit her eyes. "Yeah. The father doesn't want to be involved. He's made that perfectly clear," she said as Iain walked in.

Alyssa walked over and pulled her into a hug. Bailee felt the tears rolling down her cheeks. "You'll always have me."

Bailee made her way out to her car just as Iain approached her. He sighed. "What you playing at? Telling Alyssa that the father don't wanna be involved?"

"Until you tell her, you're not being involved. I can't have this on my conscience. I don't want to keep being a dirty little secret Iain. It's not fair on me."

Iain watched as Bailee drove off. He knew he needed to come clean. But would everything work out?

Best Friend's Boyfriend {Casualty}Where stories live. Discover now