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Bailee was angry. She couldn't believe how Iain had suggested that she leave. All because he wanted to try and forget what they had. And she knew how he wanted to win Alyssa back.

Bailee knew that it wasn't going to happen. She knew Alyssa and Cal were talking about getting back together. She was happy for them.

Bailee knew that she felt alone with being pregnant. She knew that this wasn't how she planned on having a baby. Especially when the baby daddy was being a complete jerk with her.

Bailee knew what had happened. How they had an affair. She hated how he was treating her as if she was in the wrong.

Bailee knew what she had done. She knew how Alyssa and her were working on their friendship. It was going well but she knew that she wasn't going to leave.

She wasn't going to let Iain get his way and leave. She wasn't going to let him escape from his problems. He had been the one to get her pregnant. And she wasn't going to let him get away with all of it.

Bailee knew that she wasn't going to go anywhere. She knew that she was having a baby. She couldn't give up her job and her home all because he felt guilty about what they had done. How he was trying to punish her and bailee wasn't going to let it happen.

She knew that she was done with being a push over with it all.


Bailee got to work. She was stood in the staffroom as she saw Alyssa who walked in. She looked to her and smiled. "Hey. Are you okay?" Alyssa asked as Bailee nodded. "I know you. I know that there was something bothering you. You know that you can talk to me about it."

Bailee sighed. "Me and Iain had words."

"Ugh don't go there. He keeps trying to win me back."

"I know. He thinks it's best I leave town so that he can do that. He thinks I am the problem. I know what we did. And I feel guilty. But I am having his baby. Despite it all. But I don't regret this baby just the way it happened," Bailee said.

Alyssa sighed. "He's been a jerk lately. But it will be okay. You're going no where," she said as Bailee looked to her and smiled.


Bailee looked to see Iain as he walked over to her. He looked to her and glared. "Why are you still here?" He asked.

Bailee pushed him away from her and glared. "Don't even go there. I am not in the mood. I am not doing this. I am not going anywhere. So you will have to deal with it. And Alyssa won't take you back. She's getting back together with Cal," she said.

Iain looked to her. "This was a mistake that baby is nothing to me."

Bailee rolled her eyes. "Fine by me. I don't need you or anyone," she said as she walked off.

Unaware of how toxic things would become.

Best Friend's Boyfriend {Casualty}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant