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Bailee swore as she looked at the Pregnancy test. It was positive and she knew that Iain was the father. She hated herself for what she had done.

She threw the test onto her bed and grabbed her phone. She needed to tell Iain as soon as possible;

I need you here. ASAP. This is majorly important - Bailee x

She sent the text and groaned. Everything was going to get messy and she didn't know if she was strong enough to handle it all.

Iain arrived at the house. He was glad Rita wasn't there. Bailee let him and he saw the panicked look on her face. "What's happened?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant. It's your baby."

Iain swore and looked at her. "You sure?"

Bailee nodded and handed him the Pregnancy test. Iain sighed and looked at her. "What are you gonna do?" He asked.

Bailee shrugged. "I don't know. It's all a mess. I wasn't expecting this. I thought you said you had protection. What happened?"

"I did. All the times we had sex. It must have broke," Iain told her.

Bailee groaned. "This is gonna be a bitch to explain."

The next morning at work, Bailee sat in the staffroom. She was nursing a cup of tea. Alyssa walked in and smiled. "Hey. Are you okay?" She asked.

Bailee nodded. "Yeah I'm fine. Just don't feel good at the moment. Dodgy stomach," she mumbled. She couldn't tell anyone she was pregnant. They would want to know who had gotten her pregnant.

Alyssa smiled and sighed. "Iain didn't come over last night. I think he's worked it out that it might not be his baby."

"Oh. Why do you think that?" Bailee asked as she looked at her phone. She had a text come through for her confirmation scan.

Alyssa shrugged. "I don't know. He just text me and said he couldn't make it. He said he had something to take care of."

"Don't think too much into it Lyss. He's probably just busy."

Bailee walked to the paramedic station and saw Iain. She walked over to him and sighed. "I've got the confirmation appointment today. Just thought I'd let you know. They'll tell me what options I have," she said.

Iain nodded. "Right. Do you want me there with you?" He asked.

"You can't. Alyssa. She'll get suspicious."

Iain sighed and pulled her into an hug. He smiled. "It will be alright. I promise you."

Later on that day, Bailee made her way to the maternity ward. She gave her name to the receptionist and sat down. She was tapping her foot as time went by slowly.

Eventually a midwife came out. "Bailee Freeman please."

Bailee stood up and followed the midwife inside. She hopped onto the bed and smiled. "I did the home text and it said I was pregnant."

The midwife nodded and smiled. "Okay. We can do a scan just to get actual confirmation that you are."

Bailee nodded as the midwife got the Doppler and gel out. She placed the gel onto Bailee's stomach and began moving the Doppler.

It wasn't long before a heartbeat filled the room. Bailee felt a tear pour down her cheek. "There's your little baby."

"It looks like a peanut."

"Yeah a lot of people say that. From this, I'd say you're going to deliver around Christmas time."

Bailee nodded.

Bailee went back home and saw Iain sitting on the doorstep. She frowned. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Thought I'd come and see how it went."

Bailee smiled slightly as she took out the scan photo. She handed it to Iain. "She said I'm gonna give birth around Christmas."

Iain felt a tear hit him. He was having a baby. A baby with his girlfriends best friend.

Best Friend's Boyfriend {Casualty}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ