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Bailee had been avoiding Alyssa ever since she had told her the truth. She knew that Alyssa hated her. And she didn't want it to kick off. But she knew that Alyssa needed to know the truth. She needed to know that Alyssa was the father of her baby. Even though she knew Alyssa was still pregnant. And how it was a mess.

Bailee laid in bed as she rested a hand on her baby bump. She sighed to herself. She knew how everything was a mess. And she didn't know what to do or think.

Bailee stood from her bed and groaned. She knew she had to go to work. How she had to face the music. And she wasn't ready. She wasn't ready to have Alyssa tell her that she hated her. And that she wasn't going to forgive her.

Bailee knew she had brought it on herself for getting involved with Iain. But she she knew just how much her friendship with Alyssa meant to her. She knew she didn't want to lose her best friend. Not because of what she and Iain had. And she didn't want to lose a friendship that meant so much to her. And she didn't want to lose it because of a mistake.


Bailee stood in the staffroom as she looked to see Alyssa who frowned as she loner at her. Bailee sighed. "I know that you hate me. I'll just get sorted. And then I'll be out your way," Bailee said.

"I don't hate you. You're my best friend and I still love you. But it doesn't change just how angry I am at you right now," Alyssa said.

Bailee nodded as she looked at her. "I get that. I do. And I'm sorry," she said. She knew how tense things were with her and Alyssa.

"I need to ask. How long has it been going on?" Alyssa asked.

"It only happened a couple of times. Then I got pregnant. And he wanted nothing to do with me I don't know why it happened. But it did. And I hate that I did this to you. I mean you're my best friend. You're the last person I ever wanted to hurt," Bailee said.

Alyssa looked to her and sighed. "I need time," she said as she walked off.

Bailee sighed to herself knowing her friendship wasn't able to be fixed. Bailee sat down and sighed as she rested a hand on her bump.

Bailee only hoped she and Alyssa could find a way to mend their friendship.


Bailee stood by reception as Iain walked over to her. He looked to her. "You told Alyssa? How could you?" He asked.

Bailee looked to him and rolled her eyes. "I had to. She had to know. It was the best thing to do," Bailee said.

Iain rolled his eyes and glared. "This isn't going to make me want to be with you. And play happy families," he said.

Bailee scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Who says I want to be with you?" She told him as she walked off.

Bailee knew how messy things were between them. And knowing that all she cared about was fixing her friendship with Alyssa.

Best Friend's Boyfriend {Casualty}Where stories live. Discover now