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** I had this chapter half way done in one night, just to find out my laptop wasn't connected to my WiFi, which means absolutely none of it saved, and I lost everything. The pain is real guys.**

As soon as the words were out of Kenzie's mouth, I was off of Raph's lap and standing up. "Uh, Yeah. I guess." I muttered. "I guess I need to go home now." I mumbled after catching Raph's gaze.

"What do you mean 'you need to go home'? Where are you?" Kenzie heard my mumbled words and questioned.

"Oh, umm with Raph." I said. "But no worries, I'll meet you at mine."

"Are you sure? I can always tell Case that you're busy." Kenzie said

"Nope! She's coming, screw the boyfriend!" Casey yelled in the background.

"Tell Casey to not be an ass or I'll make him regret it." I told Kenzie, a smile on my face.

"I can feel the evil through the phone. Case, don't be an ass." Kenzie yelled at her brother. "And yes, she threatened you."

"Anyways Kenz, If I don't make it before you get there, well you already know so yeah." I said, chuckling.

"Yep." She said and hung up.

"So you're leaving early on me today." Raph commented after I put my phone in my pocket.

"I'm sorry, and Kenzie's sorry to." I told him.

"Yeah, yeah." He said dismissively as he wrapped an arm around my waist and began guiding me back to the lair. "Let me know when it's done. If you're going home after, I'll try to sneak out of here." Raph's voice was low as he lowered his head to beside mine, just in case Splinter could hear him.

With a nod, I continue walking with the giant turtle to the lair and get my bag. "You're leaving already?" Mikey's voice sounded from behind me.

"Hey Mikey, and yeah I've got a thing to go to in a bit, so I need to get ready." I told him while Donnie pops his head around the corner.

"What thing?" He asked.

"A gala thingy for the mayor. In honor of Eric Sacks." I told him, and with the knowing look he gave me, he had already knew about it. "Casey kinda told me if I didn't go with the Jones family that he would get his revenge from the green prank." I admitted. "Even if I think this is pay back enough." I mumbled.

"Well, have fun." Mikey shrugged and went back to whatever it was he was doing.

I had turned back to head to Raph's room when I see him already standing there with my bag in hand. "If I could, I would walk ya home. But I can't so be careful." He muttered as he handed my bag to me.

"No worries. I'll message you later." I said as I stretched on my toes and placed a kiss on his cheek. Standing properly, I call out to the rest of the lair "Bye guys! See ya later!" To which a chorus of 'bye Abby' responded. Easily navigating my way out of the sewers and up to the surface, I found my way home. 

Just as the lock clicked open as I turned my key, the door behind me opened and Mrs. Pearsan stepped into the hallway, "Abby, it's good to see you dear." The older woman spoke, causing me to turn and face her.

"Likewise, Mrs. Pearsan. How have you been?" I asked, easily plastering a smile on my face.

"I've been alright dear. It's nice to see you, haven't seen you in the building for a while." She remarked, tilting her head to the side subtly- a clear indication she wants me to spill.

"Yeah, been busy with school and work and taking care of Danny since he's been out of the hospital that I just found it easier to stay at his house the majority of the time." I told her, a smile still plastered on my face, easily avoiding the real reason behind me not being at my own apartment.

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