Abigail Wynters

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My name is Abigail Wynters, I'm 16 years old. I'm in high school, I'm captain of the school's football team, a member of the school's band- both classical and jazz, I work part time, I live alone, I'm an orphan. I'm also fair-skinned, athletically slim, 5'8, my hair is a shade of black with a single streak of red through it, and my eyes are grey with flecks of blue in them.

And right now, I'm in the middle of a side street, illuminated by a single overhead street lamp, being surrounded by Foot soldiers. Spinning around, getting a rough estimate of how many soldiers surrounded me, and noticing absolutely no room to escape, I drop my bag, and pull a pair of brass knuckles out of my pockets, sliding them into place. Working for a gentleman's club, and taking free self defense mixed martial arts classes at the local Dojo, are about to pay off.

Turning to face the first person to lunge in my direction, I grip my brass knuckles tighter and swing for the person's jaw, hearing a sickening crack at the connection, breaking the guy's jaw and watching him drop to the ground. After he hit the ground, it was like I opened a flood gate as more than one soldier lunged at me. Throwing punches and kicks at my opponents, I'm able to fend off at least a quarter of the soldiers before I feel a sharp pain across my rib cage.

Winded and hissing in pain, I fall to the ground. Looking up at the person who kicked me, wrapping an arm protectively against my now broken ribs, I get back up as quick as I can. Kicking a person in the side of their head and watching them drop. Before I can strike at another soldier, I'm dropped back to the ground, a sword sharp against my throat and a full powered kick to my side. The kick making it much harder to breath as black spots started dancing in my vision.

"Enough! Take her to Sax's estate." A female voice ordered. The blade at my throat suddenly disappeared, a result from the order. Trying to keep consciousness, I take in the people around me, who had turned away from me, drawing their weapons out as four figures descended from the rooftops. "Yakuza! Get them!" The same female voice ordered, and in a rush the remaining soldiers attacked the four yakuza members.

Taking advantage of the current distraction, I tried to crawl away, gasping for breath, and keeping my arm wrapped around my rib cage. My struggles didn't go unnoticed by the female soldier. "And where do you think you're going?" She said as she threateningly walked towards me, she tried reaching for me. Ignoring the pain that my movement caused, I grabbed her outstretched arms and wrapped my legs around her arm, squeezing and trying to break her arm. The mounting pressure bringing her to her knees, her struggling becoming erratic the closer I got to snapping the bone.

I noticed the fighting between the Foot soldiers and the others had come to an end, one of them coming up slowly to where I laid on the ground. A roughly 6'6 mutated turtle, wearing a red bandanna over his face, and old Japanese ninja looking armor, bent down to look in my eyes, which were panicked and pained, said "Ya can let go now, we got it from here." A Brooklyn accent heavy in his voice.

Stretching my legs against the woman's shoulder, and applying just a bit more pressure, I broke her forearm and dislocated her shoulder joint, causing her to loudly scream in pain. Releasing the woman, and hissing in pain, I wrapped my arms around my broken ribs again. "Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" Another turtle, this one closer to 7 feet and wearing a purple bandanna, knelt down on the other side of me, across from the one in red, and placed goggles over his eyes.

"I've seen better days. And my ribs are broken." I managed to gasp out before seeing the dancing black spots again.

"Shit she's gonna pass out. We can't just leave her here." the turtle in red spoke again. And sure enough after he spoke, I fell unconscious.

"Pick her up, let's take her to the lair." I caught a different voice say, as I felt myself being lifted into the air.


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