All Things Green Part 1

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~Abby's POV~

St. Patrick's Day is today, it's one of my favourite holidays. Everyone at school was wearing green, and shamrocks, and green writing somewhere on their persons' that read "Kiss Me I'm Irish." Myself, I went all out, stickers, temporary tattoos, green stockings with white shamrocks going up the leg, a green tutu, and a black skirt with green writing saying "Down to commit Shenanigans and Malarkey." I put my black hair up with shamrock garland woven through my braids. I even wrapped an Ireland flag around my still bandaged arm- turns out it was a fracture instead of just a sprain, and topped everything off with my green tartan/plaid Doc Martens.

"Wow there Capt. And here I thought I went all out." Kenzie caught up with me as I strolled through the halls.

I took in my friend's appearance for the first time that day and beamed at what I saw. She had a green wig, a jersey style shirt that said "Lucky for a day" on the front and "Irish 17" on the back, she wore a pair of skinny jeans that held a green tartan/plaid style, with green and orange converse high tops. "Hey! Those are my shoes!" I exclaimed when I realized her foot wear.

"Heh. I forgot I borrowed them from you." Kenzie sheepishly smiled and clasped her hands together, trying to look as sweet as possible.

With a sigh, and a rub to my temple, I look at my best friend. "I would like them back tomorrow." I told her seriously before smiling and slinging my arm over her shoulders. "They do go with your outfit at least."

"Thanks. Your look is way better though, 'feminine but will totally kick ass'." She said. "Anyways, what are your plans after practice tonight? Since I'm assuming you don't have work." She said, tilting her head to look up at me.

She was right, I didn't have work tomorrow. Brent's been cutting back my hours with the new security staff he hired, plus the boss man doesn't like it when I work St. Patrick's day because the crowd can get far more rowdy and both him and Danny don't like me out at night on the party nights. "I don't really know yet. I was maybe going to see Raph, but nothing is set in motion yet. Why? You have an idea?" I asked Kenzie when I caught her pouted lip.

"I might." She said, a mischievous smile crossing her features. "I was thinking of turning all of Casey's things green while him and our parents are at the bar."

"Miss Jones! Planning malarkey without me?! How dare thee." I got as dramatic as I could without breaking my fake distraught.

Kenzie luckily was the first to break as she burst out laughing. "Never Captain!" She exclaimed. "Why do you think I brought it up? You know I need your expertise." We both laughed and continued our way to class.

"Alright. What time are they planning on leaving?" I asked Kenz. Maybe I can swindle at least some time with the Turtles before getting into shenanigans.

"Around 7, maybe 8 I think." Kenzie informs me, placing her finger on her chin as if in thought.

"Alright. I'll help get some supplies, and I'll be at yours for 6. Tell your mom I'm coming for dinner." I said before we parted ways to our different classrooms.

"Will do. So excited!" She jumped before hugging me quickly and getting to her class.

"A quick announcement Raiders. Teachers please excuse the members of our hockey team from your class rooms at 1:15 today for practice today. Tomorrow they face off against the Vikings. Go Raiders!"

~*~*~*~*~*(time skip)~*~*~*~*~*

Hockey practice was over, Raph was aware of me coming to the lair for a little bit after practice, and Mikey was aware that I'll need a couple of his pranking tools. The night was set, and I was heading to Danny's car in the arena parking lot. I'm too nervous of bringing my own car because of the idjits in this neighborhood and of course, the weather still sucks in New York. 

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