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Christmas Eve and I woke up before the guys. I decided to make breakfast this morning. French toast, eggs, and bacon. I just finished pouring hot water into the cups for everyone's drinks; Leo and Splinter with tea, Mikey and Raph with hot chocolate, and Donnie and I with coffee, when everyone else finally got up and came out of their rooms. "There ya are Tiger." Raph came over and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"It smells delicious in here Abby!" Mikey said excitedly as he sat down in his spot. Donne and Leo following their excited brother with an agreeing nod.

Placing everyone's plates down in front of them, and putting the bottle of syrup in the middle, Leo turns to me briefly to ask, "What kind of tea is this?" Clearly noticing it's not the same as Splinter's.

"I figured with it being Christmas, that I could get away with infusing drinks with peppermint. There's even some in the hot chocolate." I told him, beaming. "Don't worry, it's really good." I told him, while giggling at his skeptic face.

"Ah peppermint is good for the body. Perhaps I shall have a cup myself later today." Master Splinter smiled and began eating his breakfast, which allowed the boys- who were waiting for him to begin, to dig in themselves.

"So what's the plan for today?" I ask after everyone is finished, and all the food is gone.

"I think we all have our own things to do today." Leo said vaguely.

"Abigail" Master Splinter caught my attention just as I was about to look sad. "Perhaps you could help me put up decorations today?" He offered, holding his hand out towards a couple boxes full of decor and ornaments.

I felt a smile form on my face, "I would be glad to help you Sensei." I said, getting up and making my way over to the boxes. Everyone went about there own business, Raph staying around for  little bit to help before I came to the sudden realization something was missing. "Sensei?" I asked, pausing mid stretch to hang a decoration on the wall.

"Yes child?" Splinter acknowledged me.

"Do you have a tree to put up?" I asked, standing regularly, looking at the rat master.

"No, it unfortunately broke last year." He answered, almost seeming sad.

I looked up at Raph, who had a questioning look. "May I borrow Raph for a couple minutes? I have a solution to the no tree problem." I said, knowing full well I have an unopened tree at Danny's house that would work perfectly here in the lair.

"Of course. But be careful. Perhaps take Leo for extra assistance." Splinter said, looking behind us.

Turning I saw Leo making his way into the room, looking slightly confused at the sudden mention of his name. "Awesome. Leo come help." I said to him as I grabbed my coat and tried to haul Raph behind me.

"What's happening?" Leo asked in plain confusion while he trailed behind Raph and I.

"No but seriously, what're we doin' Abs?" Raph asked as we left the lair.

"Why getting a tree of course!" I answered in a fake British accent while giggling. "Gotta go to Danny's for it though. And I think it would work nicely in the lair." My voice going back to normal as we got out of the sewers and started running across rooftops.

~*~*~*~*~* Le time skip brought to you by tree hauling, ornament carrying, and Raph stealing the keys to a certain classic car in a certain somebody's garage~*~*~*~*~*

After putting the tree up, adding the lights and ornaments, and the tree topper, as well as a few more decorations, the lair was completely Christmas-ized. Eventually Mikey came out to help as well so we had coloured streamers hanging from the ceiling and pipes. It felt perfect, and looked amazing (crazy but amazing). I looked at my phone and saw the time 2:35 pm and thought of Danny. "I'm gonna step out for a bit." I said out loud, knowing everyone would hear me since we were practically standing in a row.

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