New beginnings

Start bij het begin

K= wow you look great
S= thank you
K= You Ready to go
S= yes I am
K= let's go

We headed to the restaurant we enjoyed our dinner with some small talk over the meal once we were done we headed up to the roof to look at the City view and then Stella spoke up

S= that was so good
K= agreed boden recommended it or Donna actually said to bring somebody there for a special occasion
S= what is the special occasion
K= you
S= and they said that you weren't romantic ( they laugh)
K= Who said that
S= oh I don't know everyone
K= well maybe I didn't have the right girl to be romantic with

They kiss and then turn toward to look out at the city views

Hey how's Casey doing
K= he carries the weight of this more than the rest
S= I can tell
K= he said he's going to Molly's tonight
S= you want to head over there

( He shakes his head yes and so they start walking away when Stella gives him a big kiss on the cheek.)

We had head to Molly's so we can hang out with Matt about half hour into hanging out with Matt Stella walks by me and I just smile at her because she's so beautiful 

MC= listen kidd been staying over more and more if you guys want me out of there to give you privacy
K= Forget it we're fine she's fine
MC= i'm just saying I...
K= don't bring it up again you're not going anywhere all right

General pov: Cruz brought up a good point to chief when they were at Molly's about how will the firefighters that come after them remember the ones that was here before so Boden, came up with a plan of how we can remember Otis for being the hero he was in that mattress fire so he had somebody build him a stone with a plaque on it that has Otis his name he gathered everybody around and told him this is how we will remember Otis and he also looked up the words that Otis said and washing to Joe as his last nine words which are

CB= Brother I will always be with you

Stella's pov: it's been a week since boden showed us the stone that he made to honor Otis and I think it's health most of us move on better from his death. Right now I'm in the locker room getting ready with Emily

EF= wow how many shampoos does one woman need
S= uh when Brett emptied her locker I took in her toiletries I didn't want them to feel abandoned

As they were talking the new paramedic walk past them and just a towel

EF= oh my God pull up the tower Collins this isn't a strip club... i'm gonna kill that guy I mean who.. Who walks around nude when shifts already started
S= he's not that bad and you got them at the scenery is kind of nice
EF= it's not nice enough to compensate for the rest of him.
S= OK Foster Collins is your partner at least for now and as much as it sucks brett  is not coming back so you Gotta make this work
(The bells go off)

General pov: They get to a scene or somebody is hanging by a rope five stories up and the other truck company that has our yard doesn't have a long enough ladder to reach him so Stella back the truck up so they can use the aerial but then one of the candidates off of the other truck decided to climb up the balconies to get to him before he falls. Which work he was able to hold him while Casey and Kelly climbed up the truck to get to him.

Stella's pov: me and  Herman  decided to reach out to Otis his brother to see if they want to take on Otis's  part of the bar and right now Herman is talking to them on the phone. 

Stellaride behind the  flamesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu