B2: Chapter 26 - Picking a Side - III

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  Coming around the tarp wall to a small supply area lit by hanging lamps, Jeremy finally got a good look at her.

  She stood leaning up against a rack of bottles, eyes drooping slightly. She wore plain blue jeans, a warm jacket, and a faded t-shirt advertising something he didn't know—a band, if he had to guess. Her hands were deep in the jacket pockets, fidgeting as she waited. Her eyes, exhausted and sad, were pure silver-grey.


  Jeremy just stared at her.

  "I... well I guess I did ask you first. I need your help."

  "The fuck is going on..." Jeremy muttered to himself.

  "A lot."

  He wasn't even surprised she could hear him from across the way. "I assume no one's gonna come back here uninvited?"

  She nodded. "They can't hear us, either."

  "So why me, then?"


  Jeremy sat down on the edge of the card table behind him, trying to suppress his frustration. He was dealing with someone impossibly powerful, but that was basically par for the course of his life by now. "I'm done getting jerked around by all you people without a fuckin' word of explanation. Why is it always me, huh?"

  "I... I'm sorry."

  "How's that then?"

  She glanced away. "I'm bending the rules by talking to you at all."

  "What rules?"

  "Well... my rules."

  "Your rules," Jeremy sighed. "Well, your rules seem to be causin' a lot of people a fuckload of trouble. Including me. Ever thought about breakin' em?"

  Her eyes snapped up like lightning. Jeremy recoiled. There was so much palpable, repressed fury behind those silver-grey eyes that he felt utterly humbled. She was not someone to cross, ever.

  "Every single day."

  Fucking hell... Jeremy felt the temperature of the place drop just from her tone. He took a few seconds, waiting to see if she'd say anything else, but she seemed to be waiting for him. Finally, he gave in.

  "So... you said you needed somethin' from me."

  "Yeah..." She rubbed at her eyes.

  "You good?"

  "Just... just tired. I'm okay." She blinked a few times, wincing. "Sorry. I need you to help Hailey."

  "...Help her with what?"

  "She's had a really bad day..."

  Jeremy couldn't help it—he chuckled. She'd sounded so gloomy, it was like an old cartoon character. "No kiddin'. That interview was a train wreck."

  "Don't be mean."

  Oh shit. He gulped. "Sorry."

  She shook her head. "I wasn't talking about the interview. She made a deal with the FBI."

  "...Shit. What kind of deal?"

  "A cooperation agreement?" She hesitated. "There was a lot of legal talk. Hailey agreed to tell them what happened in Rallsburg. Plus a bunch of other stuff, like consulting on magic. There was an agreement she wanted that they didn't sign, and they offered her a full-time job she didn't take. But after tonight..."

  "After tonight you aren't sure who's got the upper hand," Jeremy filled in. "So you go to the only G-man you've got an in with and ask him to take over."

  "I guess so?"

  Okay, is she more manipulative than the devil himself, or really this naive and sincere? Fuck, I can't tell. "You know I'm still suspended, right?"

  "You are?"

  "Huh. I just assumed you knew everything."

  She laughed—just a single, sad syllable, but it was there. "I feel like I don't know anything."

  "So why am I helpin' Hailey?"

  "She's my friend."

  "Nice to know you have those."

  Grey-eyes smiled. "Just a couple."

  Even if I'm suspended, I can probably still pull some strings... Might have to use Courtney and Maddie, but I'll figure it out. "Well, she's my friend too."

  "That's why I came to you."

  "Thought you came here to save that other girl. Laura."

  She shifted uncomfortably. "I was already here, I just... hadn't figured out when to talk to you."

  "The whole time?" Could've done something when I got fuckin' abducted...

  "No... Only a couple minutes earlier. I hoped, you know, since you're friends with Hailey too..."

  Jeremy grinned. "Guess we're all on the same side, then."

  "You two are. I... don't know what side I'm on."

  "I don't even know what the damn sides are."

  She looked up, dismayed. "I was hoping you knew."

  Jeremy sighed. He glanced over, spotting an open bag of peanuts, and crunched through a few before answering. He was still pretty hungry, since he'd missed out on his planned dinner with the save-the-world committee. "I thought I did. After tonight, though..."

  "What do you mean?"

  Fuck it. "You sent me after Rachel. Why?"

  The girl took a long time to answer. Her eyes flicked around the whole small area, jumping from object to object. "I think she knows what's she's doing."

  "I don't think anybody's gonna disagree on that," muttered Jeremy.

  "I think she's probably the best chance everyone has at working together."

  "...I get the feelin' you don't like her."

  Her eyes flashed red. "I despise her."

  Jesus. "So then—"

  "I can't do anything to her."

  "'Cause of your rules?"


  Then why the fuck... whatever. She ain't gonna tell me. "I've been told a lot of stories tonight by some pretty unreliable witnesses. You tell me. Is she one of the good guys?"

  Grey-eyes shook her head. "I don't know."

  "Easier question, then. Should I keep helpin' her?"

  "...Yes. I think so."

  "Why's that?"

  She hesitated. Her eyes flashed, and Jeremy felt a chill run down his spine. He wasn't one to scare easy, but this girl? Grey-eyes scared the shit out of him.

  "So you can stop her before she goes too far."

Convergence - The Last Science #2.2 - Heroes and VillainsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon