B2: Chapter 28 - Staying in the Spotlight - I

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  "Publicity is a strange beast. When I sought stardom in my youth, it fought back with every fiber of its being, as if I had offended its crass nature. No matter my method, I had to fight for every scrap of attention, clawing my way up the heap of my fellows to eke out my mere existence, forcing myself to the limelight I loathed in exchange for waves of tokens that put bread on my table and a roof over my head. I wonder then, if fame for fame's sake is so obstinate—if those whose stars shine brightest through sheer chance have ever seen a struggle like our own.

  If they haven't, is there any worth to such renown? Or is it merely notoriety, to be milked by the public to whatever end it desires?"

  ~Cinza, the Rallsburg Diaries

  Hailey swooped down onto the roof of the apartment, and Jessica let go. Hailey turned to her, gesturing downward, then pointing at Jessica.

  She frowned, pointing at herself, then created a quick picture in midair—a sketch of a car, with a fifth wheel floating in space beside it. She gestured at a space under the awning near the roof access, which looked like a perfect spot to stargaze or watch videos on her phone.

  "Of course not!" Hailey said emphatically, shaking her head to punctuate it. It's time Jessica got back into the world again. She took Jessica's hand in hers, which was nice and warm in spite of the November chill, with the wind blowing over the rooftop and fluttering their scarves. Jessica had taken to keeping a constant warmth spell going whenever they took flight, now that autumn had really hit home. "I want you to come," she added, pointing at herself, then between the two of them rapidly and nodding. "I want them to meet you."

  Jessica shrugged. She gave an overdramatic sigh, but the corners of her mouth twitched upward. She gestured to the door with a resigned flourish.

  Hailey grinned. She unlocked the door with a spell—a new design that Jonathan Hudson had posted on the site. He'd apparently been cooped up all week and decided to spend some of it working on new magic, and he'd come up with a Movement magic routine that would unlock virtually any mechanical lock without thought or effort, and even avoided tripping alarm sensors. The way he'd described it was so simple and straightforward, Hailey didn't even need to know why it worked. She just followed the steps, and boom—door unlocked. She held Jessica's hand tight and lead her down the stairs. They hit the landing right as Rupert emerged from the stairwell, a box in his hands.

  He nearly dropped it. "...I wasn't sure you were still coming," he said, his eyes wide. Hailey realized he hadn't seen her in person since she'd changed.

  "Come on," she said jovially. "I couldn't miss this."

  "Hi, Jess," he added, giving her a little wave. Jessica returned it, though as more footsteps echoed up the stairwell, she shrunk back a little. Jessica had long-since stopped caring what strangers thought of her, but this was different. These were Hailey's friends, and suddenly Jessica reverted to the old, shy girl Hailey had nearly forgotten.

  "...Jesus, Piao, what is in here?"

  "About four work servers, so don't you dare drop it."

  "Our electricity bill's gonna be massive..."

  "I can spend school grant money on it, it's okay."

  The pair of them emerged onto the landing, lugging a huge box between them. As they turned around, Trevor caught sight of Hailey.

  Hailey saw it coming a split second before it happened. His hands slipped, and his mouth fell open just as the box fell out of his hands.

  It stopped in mid-air.

  Elissa looked around, confused. "What the..." As she saw Hailey, she froze too—but only for a second. "I knew it!"

  "...What?" asked Hailey. She still had a hand out, palm upward, while she levitated the box in mid-air between the two of them. "You did?"

  She shook her head. "Okay, no, not this. But I knew you had some huge secret between the two of you!" Elissa turned to Rupert. "You're dating Hailey Winscombe?"

  Rupert smiled, but didn't say anything.

  "It's just floating..." Trevor muttered, staring at the heavy server equipment. "How's it..."

  Hailey grinned. She slid it out of the way, bringing it to rest halfway down the hall. "Mind opening the door for me?"

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