B2: Chapter 29 - The Battle of Lakewood - VI

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  "Jeremy Ashe, FBI," he growled, as some overeager police officer tried to get in his way. "Move!"

  "But sir, the area's not clear!"

  Jeremy ignored him, dashing into the cul-de-sac. News teams were arriving now too, just behind the rescue crews. A news chopper hovered on the opposite side from the police spotlight. Rika followed a few steps behind him. Stebbins had taken Ryan and their hostage away in the truck, promising Jeremy that nobody would find Viper's man until he wanted it.

  Five houses had collapsed. There was dust and debris everywhere. Bullet holes covered fences, mailboxes, walls. A few men were dead in the street on the north side—likely Brian's men. Jeremy didn't see a single figure that looked to be one of Viper's. Two of the front yards looked like they'd been hit by artillery fire, with huge craters sinking into the dirt.

  "Jesus Christ," he muttered, taking in the destruction.

  Rika was speechless, following behind him. They hurried to where they'd last seen Hailey dive—the absolute worst house, of course. As they approached, it buckled in even further, coughing out another cloud of dust that burned at their eyes and lungs. A pair of firefighters emerged, carrying a body out with them.

  A male body.

  Jeremy blitzed toward the house, but a thick-sleeved firefighter held him back. "It's not stable. Stay back."


  The whole crowd stopped as a chunk of rubble flew aside, fifteen feet through the air like it was made of foam. Hailey—caked with dust and coughing hard—emerged, stumbling out of the wreckage. One of the firefighters hurried to her side, helping her walk out. She was clearly weak and unsteady, but she'd also just tossed aside more weight than anyone her size could possibly hold up, all to rescue a man she'd never met. Right on cue.

  Despite everything they'd just gone through, Jeremy glanced at the cameras, which had caught everything, and felt a grim satisfaction. There's your fuckin' sympathy drive, Maddie. There's your marketing. Hailey Winscombe, a real fuckin' hero.

  As Hailey was helped back to an ambulance, Jeremy and Rika hurried over to join her. "Shit, Hailey," he started. "The hell were you thinking?"

  "Couldn't—" She paused, coughing through the dust she'd inhaled. "Couldn't find him."

  "So you went diving through a bombed-out building?" asked Rika, raising her eyebrows.

  "Heard... someone in pain. Had to help. Jess... would have wanted me to help."

  "Holy shit, Hales. She's going to be fine."

  We don't know that yet... Jeremy glanced at Rika, and got a glare in return. Right. "We got her in the ambulance fast. She's gonna be fine."

  Hailey shook her head. "All... my fault."

  "You didn't try to kidnap Ryan in the middle of the night," Rika pointed out. "It's those fuckers' fault."

  "This ain't on you," Jeremy agreed. "There's a whole lot of shit goin' on here and you ain't responsible for it." He sat down next to her on the edge of the ambulance. "We're gonna find 'em. Don't you fuckin' worry."

  "I know who hired those assholes," added Rika. "Trust me, they aren't getting away clean."

  Hailey shook her head. "I... those guys. Down on the street."

  Oh shit. "We got 'em. Took all three away for questioning. They'll be locked up tight, don't worry."

  Rika glanced at him, and it was his turn to shoot her a glare. Don't you dare fuckin' tell her.

  She shivered. "So cold..."

  Rika climbed in, looking around for a blanket. She got it and tucked it around Hailey's shoulders, wrapping her up tight. "You good?"

  "...Jess... usually keeps us warm. I can't do Nature magic." Hailey shook her head again. "Oh god..."

  She shivered again, staring at the ground. Rika just sat there, confused, not sure what to do.

  Jeremy put an arm around her shoulder. "It's okay, Hailey. You're done for tonight." She leaned into him, wrapped up tight in her blanket.

  None of them spoke for several minutes, watching the city buzz with activity around them like someone had kicked over a hive. Hundreds of emergency personnel had flooded the neighborhood. Heavily-armed police squads in full riot gear were kicking down doors and going through every house, while firefighters and rescue workers continued to dig through the rubble of the collapsed buildings.

  What the hell happened tonight?

  Hailey coughed again, and thankfully, it finally sounded like her throat was clearing up. She glanced up at Jeremy, voice ragged and raw.

  "...Where'd they take her?"

Convergence - The Last Science #2.2 - Heroes and VillainsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora