B2: Chapter 31 - Across the Pond - IV

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  I think their dining room is, too... The intimidation must have shown through on Hailey's face, because Mary immediately waved them out of the huge hall. "We'll dine in the sitting room, Collins."

  "Of course, marm."

  Soon enough, Hailey was wolfing down the best lunch she'd ever tasted, grilled chicken with an array of steamed vegetables and a baked potato filling out the plate. The Laushires watched in alarm as Hailey swallowed down two huge pieces of chicken both before either had even made it halfway through one.

  Hailey cleared her throat, face red with embarrassment. "I haven't eaten in almost a day," she explained. "And flying really takes it out of you."

  Mary smiled. "That must be marvelous, soaring through the clouds."

  "It really is," said Hailey, feeling a lot more calmed down now that she'd gotten something to eat. "It's also really, really wet."

  "Is that something Kendra could do, too? Fly?" asked Thomas.

  "No. Just me," said Hailey. "Though she might be able to figure it out someday. She's way smarter than I am, I wouldn't be surprised."

  "In the bits we were able to read, the author went into great detail about this 'astral market'," said Thomas.

  "Wasn't Kendra's name for it," said Hailey quickly, seeing his skeptical expression. "But yeah. She basically made her own giant bubble of space and created a market from nothing. You should be really proud of what she accomplished."

  "I am," said Thomas. Mary put a hand on his, before he got indignant.

  "Not just that, though," said Hailey, buttering her potato before she dug into it. "She was an amazing teacher. I mean, my mom's in business so I had an advantage, but she really got into it with the other students. I don't think a single person failed her class, and she didn't take it easy on us. She just understood everything perfectly, and in that way where you can actually explain it to other people. That's really rare, even with teachers."

  "She's always been that way," said Mary. "Honestly, I don't know where she gets it."

  "From you, dear," said Thomas, toasting his wife with his glass. "She always got it from you. She's absolutely your daughter, in every way."

  "Not every way," said Mary with a sigh.

  Hailey glanced between them. The tone had gotten personal very quickly, and Hailey felt like she wasn't supposed to be in the room. She decided to try and shift the topic a bit, but she still wanted to stay on Kendra. Hailey wanted to know more about the other natural awakened, and who better than Kendra's own parents?

  "She definitely got your beauty," said Hailey, nodding at Mary. "You look great, Mrs. Laushire."

  "Mary, please." Mary shook her head. "And honestly, I wish she hadn't. It might have made things a lot easier."

  "Dear," said Thomas, "that's not true, and you're well aware of it."

  "...Did she have a lot of trouble with guys or something?" asked Hailey.

  "Quite," said Thomas. "Particularly with those whom she couldn't determine if they were genuine, or if their interests were borne of greed."

  "Not that either would've done any good," said Mary, rolling her eyes. "No man would've ever drawn our Kenni's eye."

  Kenni? Hailey wondered, suppressing a giggle. To hear prim and proper Professor Laushire called 'Kenni' just sounded so strange. Mary appeared to realize the same a moment later, putting a hand to her mouth. "Goodness, I've become so familiar. I do apologize."

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