B2: Chapter 32 - Paranoia - I

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  "Of the natural awakened, I rate one as the most powerful. Not Hector, though many would assume it so. Hector is the obvious choice, based simply on past events and not his true power. While I do not refute his abilities, I absolutely deny his alacrity of execution. Hector is a coward at heart, and even when surrounded by comrades at the turn of the storm, he would not stand his ground.

  No, the true strength lies in conviction. ███████, though ███ might appear weaker than any among us, possesses great power equal to the rest of the natural awakened—and the conviction to use that power when pressed. See how ███ cleansed the fires of the riot, how ███ claimed a wolf as a mere mount! ███████ is the strongest and bravest of us all, and fie those who would speak otherwise. I know no other who, at any ███, could command angry mobs to a standstill simply by walking forward with head held high.

  ███ puts us all to shame."

  ~Cinza, the Rallsburg Diaries

  Natalie kicked the snow off her shoes before opening the door, trying to get as much as possible off. It didn't help much though. She'd gotten completely soaked, especially after the second or third time sprinting through slush to get away from an imaginary threat chasing her down the street. She glanced around, and—seeing nobody—murmured a quick spell.

  Snow melted off in a burst of steam. Her shoes were suddenly perfectly dry. Natalie grinned to herself, then pulled open the door and went inside.

  "I'm home," she called out, as Annette had asked her to do. They preferred it, and while Natalie really didn't like shouting to the world exactly where she was, she'd do it for them. Anything to keep living here. I can't even walk to the store and back without jumping at every shadow... I would've let Quinn come with me, but then he'd ask questions about the other thing I had to buy.

  "Welcome back," said Damian, emerging from the kitchen with a stirring bowl tucked into his arm. "Get what we needed?"

  Natalie held up the plastic bag and pulled out the carton of eggs, praying Damian wouldn't look too closely at the box underneath. "All here."

  "Excellent. Thanks, Jenny."

  Natalie heard a tiny squeak from inside the bag, but Damian had already walked away to start cracking the eggs. She hurried out before he heard anything more. Annette was in the living room watching the news, and Quinn was laid out on the couch reading a book. Natalie waved to him as she hurried past, heading for her room, but the news report caught her ears.

  "The President of the United States announced plans to form a special Department of Thaumaturgical Affairs, which will be the principal agent for the government in handling all incidents and policy involving the so-called 'awakened', or persons with magical abilities. This act comes just one week after the events in Lakewood, Washington, where twenty-six people lost their lives to supernatural conflict between unknown parties. President Stafford has appointed Wesley Gatiss as the first Secretary of Thaumaturgical Affairs in recess—citing the War Powers Act as justification for creation of the new department—pending approval by the Senate next week when they reconvene."

  "What does thaumaturgical mean?" asked Quinn, glancing up from his book.

  "Magic stuff," said Natalie, who'd learned it from one of the Council meetings back home, nearly a year ago.

  Quinn glanced over at her pointedly, but she slowly shook her head. His parents were still nearby, after all.

  "The FBI also announced independent plans for a special task force to investigate crimes by awakened, which have been temporarily classified as federal in all cases. A challenge in the Supreme Court is expected."

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