B2: Chapter 27 - A Voice In Her Head - V

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  Natalie and Kelsey headed to lunch together, laughing. They walked a short distance apart, always, as Natalie's mind continued to reject even the slightest possible physical contact. Flag football ended up being incredibly difficult for the first couple plays, until Natalie asked to be quarterback. After that, no one could get close to her.

  "What's up?" asked Steven, as they slid into their customary seats.

  "Jenny's better than me at every sport," said Kelsey, without any malice.

  "I'm cheating," said Natalie, but she grinned too. Kelsey had already made it clear that she didn't mind—so long as Jenny never entered her actual soccer league. Their shared secret in gym class was a chance to really mess with the school.

  "Every throw, right on target."

  Steven frowned. "Jenny..."

  "Hey!" Mitch interrupted, leaping into the seat next to Steven's. "Is it true?"

  "What?" asked Kelsey.

  "That Jenny broke a world record last period."

  "What?" asked Steven, eyebrows furrowed.

  Natalie's face got red. "...Who'd you hear that from?"

  Mitch shrugged. "Dennis, who got it from Lisa, who got it from who cares."

  "Did you guys run the mile today?" asked Tyler, looking up from his book.

  "It's not true," said Kelsey.

  "What, are you saying she couldn't do it?" Mitch shot back.

  "Of course she can," Kelsey snapped. "But nobody's supposed to know that, remember?"

  "Yeah well," Mitch shrugged, "they already do."

  Natalie tried to glance around surreptitiously. She saw more than a few faces looking their way. Uncomfortable again, she tried to shrink down a little behind Kelsey, leaning against the wall. The mini-braids she'd done over her ears weren't quite so fun anymore. "Where's Quinn?" she asked Tyler.

  Tyler shook his head. "He had to talk to a teacher about some work he had to make up. He won't be here today."


  "Want to play against me instead?" he asked, already reaching for the decks.

  "...No, no thanks." At her refusal, Tyler looked crestfallen. Natalie winced. "Can we play after school though? I just... I need to go to the bathroom."

  "Huh?" Tyler asked, confused.

  Without another word, she hurried away. The guys all looked just as confused as Tyler, though Kelsey just shrugged and went back to eating. Natalie hoped they wouldn't chase after her again, since that would probably just cause more problems... though some small part of her still wanted them to.

  She went straight to her old bathroom. There were two girls she vaguely knew, both seventh graders. They were talking about some bank robbery that had happened on Monday, way down in Tacoma. Natalie ignored them, heading straight for her old stall. As soon as the door was closed, she let out a breath she'd been holding since the cafeteria.

  Why are you here?

  I needed to get away from people for a bit, okay? I'm catching my breath.

  This is not a retreat. This is flight. You're hiding.

  Yeah, I am. I'm okay with that right now. Leave me alone.

Convergence - The Last Science #2.2 - Heroes and Villainsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن