B2: Chapter 34 - Rook Takes Knight - III

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  Jeremy and Maddie talked and talked, to the point that he plugged in his phone just to make sure it wouldn't run dry in the middle of London. He went over everything he'd been through since leaving to pick up Kendra—from the angry crowds in Seattle to the sudden appearance of Lily, from the newly awakened Lani to Cinza's Greywood camp. Talking to his sister helped him steady himself, helped him focus. Jeremy needed focus if he was about to go into who-knew-what in the middle of the United Kingdom.

  "So, any tips on dealin' with the Brits?" he asked.

  "Fuck if I know," said Maddie. "I've never been on foreign relations or anything close to it. You're on your own."

  "Great help, Maddie."

  "Anytime, little bro."

  He groaned. "I'm taller than you."

  "You'll always be my little bro," she laughed.

  Jeremy sighed. "Maddie, I feel like a goddamn chess piece."

  Her tone fell, mirth instantly gone. She switched back to the caring sister in an instant. "What do you mean?"

  "My partner gets caught up in Rallsburg, and I happen to land the case. Then everybody from Grey-eyes to fuckin' Margaret Bensen picks me up and throws me wherever they damn well please. You remember how I got on this fuckin' plane, right?"

  "...I told you Kendra wanted your help with something," said Maddie slowly.


  "Jeremy, you aren't a chess piece."

  "No shit," said Jeremy, "but it'd be nice to feel like I'm not just gettin' used by everybody."

  "You aren't, and here's why: you chose to go after this case. You spotted Jackie's car in that video, you hunted down Rachel. You tracked Boris Morozov down in the middle of the damn forest in Canada."

  "So what you're sayin' is—"

  "You brought this on yourself," said Maddie cheerfully. "Suck it up and don't fuck it up."


  "This is the captain. We've been cleared to descend and begin our approach to London City Airport at this time. Please take your seats."

  "...Right into the thick of it, huh?" said Maddie.

  Jeremy sighed. "I'll call you later."

  "You must be in a rich people plane, if your phone worked all the way across the damn Atlantic."

  "It's got heated seats, beds and a full kitchen," said Jeremy. "And I spent most of it in the goddamn bathroom talkin' to you."

  "Eat anything good, at least?"

  Jeremy grinned. "Cinza ate some dry cereal straight out of the box mixed with olives from the damn mini-bar."

  "...Who the fuck is that girl?"

  "I'll tell you when I find out for myself." Jeremy got to his feet, stretching out. His shoulders and back were sore from sitting in such an awkwardly small space for so long. The bathroom on the jet was roomy, but even so. "Jesus, this was a bad idea."

  "I told you to move."

  "Can't get any damn privacy in a plane this tiny."

  Maddie laughed. "Get to work, Jere-bear. Call me later."

  "You got it."

  Jeremy went back into the main cabin. Cinza was fast asleep, curled up in her chair with her head on the armrest. Her hair was dark brown now, instead of the shining silver-grey Jeremy was used to. Makoto leaned against the far wall, watching out the window intently as they approached the London skyline. Jeremy nodded at her, but Makoto shook his head. "When it's time," he said quietly.

  "Who are you?" Jeremy asked, walking over to join the young Japanese lieutenant.

  He hesitated, still watching out the window. "Nobody who matters."

  "You're the right hand guy to a girl who just announced to the President of the United States that she's forming her own goddamn country inside their borders," said Jeremy. "I think you're gonna find you fuckin' matter now."

  Makoto shook his head. "We don't want that."

  "Pretty sure she does," said Jeremy, nodding at the sleeping Cinza again.

  "Why do you think that?"

  "'Cause she fuckin' did it." Jeremy shook his head in exasperation. "What else do you figure she meant by 'open relations with your government'?"

  "She knows what she's doing," he said firmly.

  Jeremy raised an eyebrow. "Sounds to me like she's makin' up the whole damn thing as she goes."

  "If she is, I trust her to find the right path."

  Fuckin' cults. The plane started to pitch forward. Jeremy and Makoto took the nearest seats and strapped themselves in. Cinza stirred after a particularly rough bump in the air. As she woke, her hair shifted back to silver once more, matching the robes she was currently using as a blanket. Her eyes blinked rapidly, finding Makoto's in no time.

  "Call Nikki," she said without hesitation. Jesus, I wish I could wake up that fast.

  Makoto nodded, pulling out his phone. "...They touched down as well. She says they're in London. She saw license plates and the river out the windows."

  Cinza nodded. "How long until we land?"

  The plane bumped onto the tarmac, as if to answer her question. A huge rushing sound of wind coupled with the skidding of tires filled the cabin as the jet screeched to a halt on the short London runway. Finally, they jerked to a halt. Cinza unstrapped herself before the pilot could get onto the intercom.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, we've touched down at London City Airport. I've been asked to inform you that Sir Thomas Laushire is awaiting your debarkation on the tarmac."

  Jeremy glanced at Cinza. "...Well, now what?"

  Cinza shrugged. "We need someone to take care of Kendra while we track down her sister. Who better?"

  Makes sense... but you ain't gotta sound so fuckin' cold about it. Jeremy took a deep breath, getting to his feet. "Well... let's get this over with."

Convergence - The Last Science #2.2 - Heroes and VillainsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ