Interlude VII - Call of Destiny - VIII

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  Riley fell a little behind, looking at the forest all around them. By all appearances, they seemed to be walking through perfectly normal trees, but even Lani could tell they weren't walking in the same direction as the trees were moving. Something was completely off.

  "This is why we were lost, right?" he asked the young man excitedly. "Magic?"

  He nodded. He was really the quiet type, Lani noticed, even down to the way he walked. Despite all the branches, leaves, twigs and other flora littering the forest, he didn't make a sound.

  "...So you were watching us for a while," Lani realized aloud. "There's no way you couldn't sneak up on us."

  He smiled. "I was waiting."

  "For what?"

  "To see if you would tell her."

  He fell silent as they approached the edge of a clearing ahead. Riley caught up, still looking a bit windswept. They walked through a set of trees, pushing through the needles to emerge into a wide open clearing. Lani gasped aloud, and Riley echoed him a second later.

  A stone archway stood before them, with vines crawling up each side and twirling together to form a thick connection at the top where the capstone was missing. Through the arch, a path of stones set into the grass lead to a small, perfect wooden bridge that looked like it had grown out of the ground of its own accord, handrails and all. The bridge arced gracefully over the clattering stream, passing by a small garden on the opposite side that was bursting with life. The path split, curling away to several wooden cabins on the opposite side of the clearing.

  Their guide lead them through the arch, and instead of crossing the bridge, he took them to a larger structure on the near side of the stream. Lani and Riley looked around like tourists. Riley lifted her camera, about to take a picture, but their guide materialized next to her and put a hand on her arm.

  "Please," he stated simply.

  She nodded. "Sorry... Force of habit."

  They approached the entrance, a huge winged set of wooden paneled doors with intricate relief carvings filling a grid of eight squares top to bottom. They swung wide before Lani could get a good look. Their guide ushered them inside.

  The place was cozy, but clearly meant for meetings of some kind. Two fireplaces sat on opposite ends, both lit with crackling fires that seemed to burn without touching the wood underneath. Elegant wooden tables and chairs lined the main section, and at the far end, she sat waiting for them. Her chair was specially designed with a higher seat to keep her at an even level with the rest, and had a wide space for another to sit alongside.

  She wore the same robes as their guide, even more elaborate and embroidered. Around her neck was a necklace with an eight-pointed star, set with many gemstones. A tattoo of the same symbol adorned the side of her neck, barely visible from the front underneath her silvery hair, while more gemstones and charms dangled from her wrists. She was short, but not so short that she would be considered a dwarf—and none would ever mistake her hard, fierce expression or aged eyes for that of a child.

  Lani knew instantly who she must be.

  "Welcome," she called, and her voice echoed like an ethereal spirit, an otherworldly presence behind her words.

  A girl and an old man flanked her on either side. The girl was probably the same age, though much taller, and with brown hair instead of Cinza's silver-gray. The man had short, thick black hair and an even thicker beard that threatened to swallow his face. He smiled genially, but she was nothing but stern, untrusting glares.

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