B2: Chapter 35 - The Court of Public Opinion - III

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  Jeremy tossed his phone back into his pocket as their car swung around the next curve. Makoto was keeping the thing under much better control. Apparently, he'd taken pointers from a few driving experts online during the flight from Tacoma, and was doing far better as a chase driver—even if he still managed to end up on the wrong side of the road every few turns.

  "Left side, dammit!" Jeremy shouted as they careened through the empty streets. A police escort a few blocks ahead was clearing up roads as fast as they could, but Jeremy didn't want to find out how bad their luck could get if Makoto took them down the wrong road. "Doesn't Japan drive on the left?"

  "I've only been there twice," Makoto shot back, actually annoyed for once.

  Cinza spoke up from the back seat, looking winded. "Have we confirmed it?"

  "Yeah," said Jeremy, "she went to Malton's private estate. Motherfucker went there too. Guess he assumed we didn't know he owned the place." Jeremy frowned. "Why the fuck's he in hidin', anyway? Did he know Hailey was comin' for him?"

  "Maybe Rook warned him before we got to her," said Cinza, frowning.

  "She didn't know Hailey was comin' either!"

  "I don't know!" cried Cinza. "Does it matter? We have to stop her!"

  Jeremy nodded, forcing his temper back under control with the breathing exercises they'd drummed into him. "...Okay." He nodded. "So how the fuck do we stop her? You got anythin' in your bag of tricks?"

  "I'm too weak for strong magic," said Cinza, "and she's more powerful than all of us combined. We cannot hold her back."

  "So we just talk her down?" asked Jeremy. "Fuck-all that did."


  Jeremy's phone rang. He snatched it up and answered without even blinking. "Talk to me."

  Maddie, of all people, was on the other end. "Hand the phone to Cinza, right now."

  Without a second thought, Jeremy passed it over. Give me a fuckin' miracle, Maddie. Cinza took the phone, surprised. "Who is this?" she asked, a slight quiver in her echoey voice.

  The engine whined as they sped up, while Cinza listened to whatever Maddie had to say. Jeremy wished he'd just put the damn thing on speaker, but Maddie hadn't asked for that. Whatever was going on, he just had to hope his sisters back home had something good up their sleeves, because he was completely out of ideas. He just knew they had to get to Hailey, whatever it took.

  "...The situation's being broadcast live worldwide," Cinza reported. She pointed up out of the window, where they could just barely see several helicopters flying in the same direction they were driving.

  "Oh, fuck me," Jeremy muttered. The fuck kind of miracle is that, Maddie?

  "Your sister is in contact with President Stafford and... illuminated him on her contacts within the Awakened," said Cinza slowly, a growing suspicion plain on her face. Oh shit... Did Maddie just tell her about Rachel? No, no way. This is somethin' else. "She's been asked to inform us that Hailey has been issued an international warrant for her arrest and extradition back to the United States."

  "Do they got any bright fuckin' ideas on how to arrest her?" Jeremy asked, grabbing ahold of the handle above the door as Makoto took another sharp turn.

  Malton's estate was visible in the distance, up a long and winding driveway. The gate blocking the entrance had been blown off its hinges, and a small cadre of house staff and bodyguards were streaming away in every direction. Makoto had to slow down, else he'd plow through a half-dozen people fleeing in terror. Smoke and dust rose from the building in the distance, and Jeremy could just barely hear the sound of shattering glass and pops of gunfire.

  Holy shit, Hailey...

  Cinza smiled grimly. "The government has approved any action you might take to retrieve her, as a reinstated special agent of the Thaumaturgical division, and the British have granted you permission to act within their borders under official authority."

  "About fuckin' time," Jeremy growled. "Tell Maddie thanks for me."

  Cinza nodded, but her expression fell as she listened to the next few sentences. "...No," she said finally.

  "What?" asked Jeremy. Cinza held up a hand to forestall him. Makoto was weaving through people on the driveway, blaring the horn to get them to clear the narrow road.

  "I will advise her as I see fit, and I will not disown her." Cinza shook her head. "Don't play politics with my family."

  Jesus Christ! Jeremy leaned back and snatched the phone from Cinza's fingers. He only managed to catch a few words from Maddie, but it was plenty chilling.

  "...creating a negative image for everyone. It's best if she's treated as an outlier and an outcast. Make it clear that you want nothing to do with her, and you're bringing her in for public safety."

  "Fuck you, Maddie!" Jeremy snapped.


  "Hailey's my fucking friend too," he growled—surprising himself with the indignation in his voice. How the fuck can you think like this, Maddie? "I'm not leavin' her out for the damn wolves!"

  "Jeremy, you don't understand. The public's terrified. A lot of people just got hurt in that house. If we show support for a girl who thinks she can fly around the world and do whatever the hell she—"

  He dropped the phone, practically shoving his finger through the screen to end the call. Cinza looked up at him, and Jeremy nodded. "We're gettin' her back," he said shortly.

  Cinza nodded. "Yes."

  A huge bang. Her head pitched forward into the back of his seat, hard.

  Makoto had spun the wheel and slammed on the brakes. The car squealed in protest as it skidded across the pavement. Jeremy spun around in his seat, squinting at the house—only to see a sleek black sedan speed past them. In the driver's seat, a man with premature grey hair and a perpetual scowl, and seated next to him—

  "That was Malton," said Cinza, turning to watch the car speed off. "Makoto, follow that car."

  "But—" Makoto started, glancing up at the house.

  No fuckin' way Hailey's stayin' there when her prey just left. Jeremy's fear was proven true an instant later, as the front of the house exploded outward. A vague figure shot out through the dust, swooping over their car and chasing after Malton.

  "Follow that car," Jeremy repeated.

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