Perseus: Revealed

Start from the beginning

"Good. Now get Hypnos, Hecate, and Morpheous in here, we need to have the mortals out of the way." I say.

Zeus grits his teeth at being ordered around by a mortal but waves his hand. Hypnos, Morpheous, and Hecate all appear in the throne room. Hypnos is asleep on the floor of the throne room.

Zeus shoots his master bolt into the air, effectively waking up Hypnos. "What may we do for you Lord Zeus?" asks Hecate. He simply points at me.

"The forces of Tartarus are currently encircling Manhattan. I need the help of you 3 to get the mortals out of the way of this invasion." I say.

"Why should we help you or the gods, they never respected us until after the Second Titan War?" asks Morpheous.

I sigh and take off my hood. "Perseus." states Hecate.

"Yeah that's me. If you don't help us, then the mortals are going to be in a lot of danger once they finally start their invasion. All I really need is for Hecate to get them all to safe places with her magical subconscious voodoo and for Hypnos and Morpheous to put them to sleep once they are safe. Obviously, fighting afterwards would be appreciated." I say.

"What's in it for us?" asks Hypnos tiredly.

"Uh, a warm fuzzy feeling in your heart?" I say. Hecate just raises an eyebrow. "Ok, try that the world won't be ruled by the Titans, Giants, and Tartarus?"

The 3 exchange looks with each other before Morpheous speaks, "We will do as you ask. Mine and Hypnos's energy will be too far spent keeping the mortals asleep to fight, but Hecate will join your fight against the primordial."

"I'll leave you three to it then." I say. They nod and start to work in the corner.

I turn to Zeus. "If a few of the gods will come with me to Camp Half-Blood to help transport them here before the invasion starts, that would be nice." I say.

Zeus starts to talk, "Hermes, Hera, Ares, and Artemis, go with Perseus and transport your respective troops to the throne room where I suppose Perseus will give them... us orders." He looks incredibly pissed to have to take orders from a mortal.

I nod and flame-travel back to Camp after putting my hood back on. It's the middle of lunch and I flashed on top of the Poseidon table, oops, sorry Dad.

"Hello everyone, in just a second, four of the Olympians will be here to transport all of us to Olympus for an important announcement." I say. Everyone looks a little confused but accepts it.

The four Olympians flash into Camp, gather everyone around them, and flash them all to Olympus. Once everyone is there, the gods take their thrones. "Demigods, Hunters, and Amazons, there is some bad news. The forces of Tartarus are currently encircling Manhattan. However, unlike the last time we had to defend Olympus, we will have the support of the gods." I say.

The campers cheer at the thought of godly intervention. Zeus clears his throat, "The Gods of Olympus have decided that Omega shall be the general of Olympian forces for the duration of this war. That means any command he gives relevant to the defence of Olympus is to be followed without question, be you demigod or..." at this point he gulps, "god. Should anyone have a problem with this, you can take it up with Omega himself."

"Alright here's the plan, Zeus, you need to get Aeolus to send his wind spirits to defend Manhattan and Olympus from the air. Dad, you need to either get the East and Hudson river spirits to defend Manhattan themselves or do it yourself. They like your sand dollars, if they don't do it themselves, get your merman army to stand guard against any troops trying to cross the rivers, after you've done that, find me and be ready to grab the cyclops army. (And it was at this exact moment that I realized that I had left my notes on where to position the troops at my house and I now have to wait until I get home to get them, yay.) Apollo, you and your cabin, along with the 1st Cohort and cover the Williamsburg Bridge. Demeter and Aphrodite, you and your cabins, along with yourselves will get the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel, turn it into a sweet smelling jungle. Manhattan bridge will be Hecate, her cabin, the Iris cabin, and the 5th cohort. Hecate, any illusions made by the Mist would be great! The Brooklyn Bridge has Hera and the Amazons covering it. The Queens-Midtown Tunnel will be myself, the Hunters, Artemis, and Zeus. The Holland tunnel is Nico, Hades, and the Hephaestus cabin. 59th street bridge has Hermes, his cabin, and the 2nd cohort. I want Ares, his cabin, Dioynosus, his cabin, and the Nemesis cabin on the Lincoln Tunnel. The 3rd and 4th Cohorts are staying back to build temporary forts, every block, 4 blocks away from the Empire State Building in a rectangle, Hephateaus will be providing resources. Sound good?" I ask.

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