Your Broken Promise

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That  day when  you got in  your car to leave,
It  left me with a deep scar  that still bleeds. 

And now my  heart has cracked,
Which led to  faith and trust that's lacked.

I know this  is the past,
But my heart is still in that  cast.

You still have a piece of my heart in your hands,
Even when you walk different lands.

Remember when you let me down?
Your empty promise left me broken in this town.

With your hurtful words, my heart was squeezed,
And  I cried, begged on my knees, oh stop, please!

You say "I love you" but you  lied,
So what did I do? I cried.

Little did I know you moved on so fast,
So you really mean it when you say it's the past.

You have her,
And you not being  in my life is my cure.

But as I move on, I'll always remember you took the lights from my eyes,
And now in this world all I see is lies.

But in the midst of it all, I say thank you for your early life lesson,
Now I know people are talented in making  a believable impression.

Finally, I've taken my bruised heart back!

Also because of you, my heart is black and blue,
But a small part of me will always love you.


                                                                                                                          - Signed, Your Ever Waiting Daughter.

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