Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Psss, faith. It's me Stiles. Let me in. Pssss!"

Are you fucking kidding me.

This cannot be happening to me right now, of all times. Looking up at the clock I realize I only have a half in hour left. Closing my eyes I listen to the heart beat that's outside my door and I can tell theirs only one person, Stiles, and his heart beat is going crazy.

"Faith, I know you are in there. You have to let me in, please before someone sees me." Stiles begs.

Giving a big huff, I get up and walk slowly towards the door waiting for my brain to start functioning and to give me a reason to not open that door. Halfway to the door I have no reason to not open it, as I move one of the chairs from the homemade barricade I still have no reason not to. As I move one of two side dressers the rational side of my brain starts to work and I stop.

"Faith! Keep going I'm scared out of my wits right now!" Stiles hisses from the other side of the door.

"Promise me you are alone."

"Faith are you kidding me-"

"Promise me!" I repeat.

I hear a small huff, "I'm. Alone." As I listen to his heartbeat I hear no protest to him lowing and I quicken my movements and move everything to the side so I can open the door. When everything is moved I unlock the door and as soon as it was unlocked the door swings open then closed and the only way you could tell it was opened was because of the breathless looking wide eyed Stiles that had his back to the door.

"Yeah take your time while my life's on the line, why don't cha." Stiles states sarcastically.

Shaking my head I turn away from him and walk over to my bed. "What do you want Stiles?"

Stiles comes over to my bed and sits at the age and looks at me with his eyes full of sympathy, and guilt. Getting up Stiles starts to pace.

"I didn't know they were going to go this far. You have to understand. I didn't know. I didn't even realize. You have to understand Faith. Please Faith you have to understand I had no intention that this was going to happen."

Sitting up straighter on the bed, my heart begins to beat rapidly. "Stiles what did you do."

Rather then answering Stiles just continues pacing. Getting up Faith stops Stiles in his path and grabs his hands, "Stiles, what did you do?" Looking me in the eye I can tell something was wrong.

"I-I-I did this." Stiles eyes go wide in realization, like he just realized what he did.

"What do you mean-" then I realize what he meant and I immediately let go of his hands and back away from him like he's the plague.

"You did this. You did this to me!" I shout. I back up as far as I can as I feel my wolf fighting my control. I want to hear what he has to say.

"Faith you have to understand I didn't know this was going to happen. I was on the phone with Carly talking about Beau and you and how your heat was over and what was to happen after. I didn't even realize Michael was behind me until it was to late. I didn't know about their kidnapping you until just a couple hours ago."

Calming down a little and understanding Stiles didn't deliberately tell my father and brother about my where bouts. "It's okay Stiles I'm not angry at you. Frustrated, yes but not angry." I say wrapping Stiles in a hug trying to calm down my wolf, showing her he's a fun not an enemy. I look up at he clock not forgetting I'm on a time limit. Fuck only 10 minutes left.

Pulling away from Stiles," Im leaving Stiles. I have to go back to Beau."

I see panic and sadness, then understanding in his eyes. "When?"

"In about nine minutes the patrol teams will switch and then I have about a four minute window to get the hell out of here. They won't know I'm gone tell I'm half way across our land into Beaus packs territory and when I do cross the border the patrols won't be able to follow me onto Midnight Moon territory or it would be an act of war. I've thought this all through, ill be fine as long as everything goes as plan."

Stiles then envelopes me in a bone crushing hug," I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you to as you were my Wonderland to my Alice. Hey it's not like I'll be gone forever just until my father realizes he can't keep me locked up like I'm a glass doll."

"Yeah I've never understood why he does that. Nothing had ever happened to our pack, we've had a few incidents with rogues but never a full blown massacre to cause such protectiveness." Stiles voices his thoughts and all I can do is sadly smile as I once again see the handy work my father did to my friends. Wiping the memory of my dead twin sister and the actions that lead up to it.

"Yeah I don't know either. You should go now before I leave I don't want you tone tied with my escape."

"Agreed! Well see you later Faith, I hope you and Beau can be happy together." Stiles says before leaving my room.

Locking the door after Stiles leaves I look back at the clock to see I have only 3 minutes left. Looking around my room i take it all in. Not knowing when or if i will ever come back. All i can do is hope my father sees reason and realizes that he needs to cool down and stop being an overpotective ass.


Klaus P.O.V

"YOU DID WHAT!" I yell at my brother, getting up from the seat I was sat in when I entered my fathers office.

"I told father of Faiths where about, we went to the Midnight Moon pack house, found her, took her home." Michasel says in a montone voice taking a seat on the office couch.

"I heard what you said the first time. When did this happen and why is this the first Im hearing about this!" I say getting fustrated at this perdicament.

I see Michael get rigid and sit a bit straighter and an angry glint flashes through his eyes. "This happened three days ago, and ever since then she has been in her room. And the reason this is the first you are hearing about this is because you like to disappear for long periods of time every day. No one knows where you go so theres no way to tell you anything," getting up Michael walks to where I am standing in the middle of the rooom," so I took action. I got our sister home, I have been at fathers side this whole time, I HAVE been helping out with the pack. I HAVE done everything you so called heir to the alpha postion have been supposed to do." Not breaking eye contact I also take a few steps closer to meet him half way.

"What are you trying to say brother?" I ask deathly calm, already know what hes implying.

"You already know what I am saying brother."

" I think you are doubting my authority. I might not be Alpha yet, but I will be and that gives me more authority over you then you have over me. I may have been missing a few days but I have been taking care of a personal problem, which you have no say in. So how bout this you stay out of my life and start taking on your own rule, such as did you ever take in account what our sister has been feeling since you brought her here, or how she might feel for the wolf-boy?

Huh, oh thats right you dont take in account what others feel or how your actions have an affect on people.Thats why you will never be Alpha."As I finish I walk past Michael pushing past his shoulder and head over to the emergency ward to go see my mate. Hopefully she'll calm me down. And I hope my sisters okay, I'll visit her later tonight.

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