Chapter 12

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Not Edited

"April wasn't perfect and you know it. You could never be her, and we know that and we love you matter what. But are you sure about this. I mean are you sure want to have a mate so soon."

I'm filled with anger and I stand up pushing Klaus away from me "there you go again treating me like a child. Just stop acting like I'm her. I'm not going to go off and kill myself because of heart brake, Beau would never purposely cause me pain, I will never ruin my life because of heart brake so STOP ACTING LIKE IM HER AND TREAT ME LIKE IN YOUR SISTER BOT A PIECE OF GLASS!"

"THEN STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD ABOUT THIS! I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK FIRST I FIND OUT YOU LIED TO MOM, THEN THAT YOU'VE BEEN STAYING WITH HIM DOING GOD KNOWS WHAT. I've already lost one sister I don't need to lose you too." I make my way over to the bench and sit in front of him on my knees.

"I know, I know. How do you think I feel I lost my twin sister, not to mention how mom and dad look at me with a hint of sadness every time I look at them in the eye. But, he's my mate, I cant deny him for ever. And for one we haven't done nothing because if had I wouldn't still be in this fucking heat, and its all his fault he keeps saying he wants to wait tell after my heat is done to know I actually want to be with him in that why. Like seriously, who wouldn't want to be with him, with those define muscles, strong jaw, skill full--"

"STOP. PLEASE STOP. My ears are burnt and I can smell your umm scent and its going to make me through up."

I'm pretty sure my face was as red as a tomato by now. God I cant believe I just said that to him so--

I double over in pain grabbing my stomach as a rush of pain shoots through my bottom half. I growl clutching my stomach harder and begin to grind my teeth together knowing it will pass. Klaus tries to touch me but, I just snap at him showing I am not in the mood at the second. The pain begins to simmer down and I'm left on the floor dripping wet from sweat (I produced during my pain fest and work out) and huffing and puffing dying for fresh air and thanking god that the floor is cold cement so my body temperature and my burning skin can cool off.

I open my eyes to see Klaus staring down at me.

"You okay?" he questioned

"Peachy," my voice filled with sarcasm.

"Well I think I should take my leave, It sounds to me you need to calm down the big bad wolf,out there, and I'll try to hold dad and Michael back from coming to search for you until your heats done. I have business to care of so, I love you." Klaus pulled me in to a bone crushing hug and kissed my cheek and left through the window. I cracked a smile at his plan of escape but, as soon as it came it went remembering Beau is out there and we need to talk about my heat. And matter what I was getting my way on this issue.

POV. faith

Okay I can do this. Just walk through those doors. Why am I hesitant about this. It's like I did anything.

I put my hand on the door knob and walk out to see no one, and when I say no one I mean zip, nothing, zero. I can hear a faint whisper of someone downstairs. i sniff the air but all i can smell is Beau, stupid heat.

I head towards the stairs planning on finding someone to talk to and see whhats going on. As i get closer to the bottom steps the voices become more defined and londer. From the pitches i can tell there's two males and one female. I slowly make my way towards the kitchen doors were I hear the voices and I can tell the two males voices are Beaus and Drake.

The female voice us unreadable. I wonder who she could be. As I'm about to take the knob and go in I hear something quite interesting.

"How could you do this to me Beau I thought.... I thought we had something?" the female voice questions in sorrow.

"And we did, still do but we are just friends Nikki nothing more. Ive found my mate and she's a wonderful she-wolf that I'll cherish till my heart stops beating."

Awwww. That's so cliche and sweet of him.

There's a pregnant silence and all I can hear is some little sniffs.

"I can live with that. As long as we can still be friends." I hear some movement and Drake say something about dinner.

I take that as my cue and I come out from the hallway. When I walk in I see Drake at the stove, that's not what shocked me though. What really shocked me was Beau, my mate, holding a beautiful girl that could be a Victoria Secret model.

Beau either heard my foot steps or sensed me because of my heat that he immediately turned around and looked straight at me.

I was angry, beyond angry I was pissed. Its not my fault.... exactly, I'm a she-wolf mated to an Alpha in heat haven't been marked yet so my inner wolf feels rejected a little and seeing him willing embracing another just sent my emotions over the head.

I'm pretty sure Beau sensed my movement because just as I was about to run out the back door Beau through himself my way almost tackling me to the ground. I sided stepped him jinxed the almost and I made it out the back door, down the path to the woods before I was tackled from behind.

Just as I was about to hit the ground Beau switched our projection so we landed on our side rather then me falling face first and him landing on my back.

I closed my eyes tight filling the impact. I feel Beaus arms around me and I try to get away from his touch. Skin to skin contact while in heat can drive a girl crazy with need my health teacher said, and now I believe her.

I'm mad at Beau and I don't want to give in to his every whim just because of my stupid heat. I hear a small growl cone from him so I opened my eyes and I saw Beau's eyes were completely black giving me the sign of his wolf is in control. Just fucking great!

I try hard this time to get out of his hold only for him to tighten his hold on my waist. Beau didn't find that as enough so he moved his nose along my neck making me shiver in delight. Beaus nose stopped at a place just below my ear and licked down.

He went back up again and growled out huskily in my ear multiple times the word "mine!"

At the moment I knew there was no way out and all I good do was pray to the gods that my heat want kick in at full force while Beaus wolf was in control. I thanked my health teacher yet again as I took the advice and submitted to my mate and went limp in his arms.

My wolf did not find this fun. One because I has alpha blood in us so we don't like to submit to anything, two being all she wanted to do was jump his bones while I just wanted to get out of here.

After a minute of him sniffing my neck and me just laying there reassuring him I am his as Beau takes back control.

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