Chapter 10

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Faiths P.O.V

I could feel something warm being pressed to my back. It felt so good.

I opened my eyes and leaned up but I flopped back down, noticing then that an arm gripped my waist I started freaking out.

Why the hell is there someone in my bed, and how the hell am I in a bed?

Last thing I remembered was Beau driving me home.

I started to maneuver myself from underneath the arm and I swear it was like maneuvering a bomb. When I got out from under the arm I looked around and realize two things this wasn't my room.... or my house and I'm only wearing a t-shirt and my under garments.

I sit on the edge of the bed and look at the owner of the arm and I gasp.

"Beau?" I whisper. That explains why his scent is all around, wow I really am naive.

He must of undressed me, that little prev. I start looking around and I got to say I wasn't expecting this as his room, I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this.

His room was had three walls painted black with pictures of i think pack mates and close friends or family then there was a book case full of books on the of the last black wall and the last wall was like a neon blue and had the bed up against it and was facing two French doors, which I guess led to a balcony.

There was two other doors to the left of the room. I walk towards the first one and open it to see an en suit bathroom, I walk in and I was amazed. There was a shower that could fit five people and still have arm space, there was a tub that could fit three people and had a beautiful view of the woods and the sunrise.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to the next door. I opened it and walks in. It was a walk in closet a little bigger then mine and there was a dresser to the left with a big mirror and three picture frames. I walked up to the dresser and looked at the first picture.

The picture was of a man and a woman holding a baby in front of 10 people all phased. The next one was of a little boy and I could tell it was Beau because the boy had the beautiful blue eyes and smile behind him was the same man and woman from the other picture they must be his parents. The last picture was a boy and a girl both looked 15-16.

I then moved on to the actual closet that held a lot of t-shirts and on the floor where a variety of shoes.

I jumped 2 feet in the air when I felt two arms go around my waist, and hot breath on my ear.

I turn around and smack beaus chest. "What the hell Beau you scared me half to death."

He bent down and kissed my shoulder then started leaving open mouth kisses all the way up to my ear and pulled away and said "well I was just woken up by Drake telling me if we didn't start getting ready for school-"

I cut him off with a squeak I forgot that today is Tuesday. I ran out of the closet and headed towards the bathroom but before I could even step foot in to the bathroom a large arm wrapped around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I ask him as he pulled me in to his chest.


"Then let me go. I have to get ready then figure out how I'm going to get home and how I'm going to get past my brothers and then figure out an excuse on to why I didn't come home last night and why I'm late for school." I said in one breath.

"Okay calm down." Beau said rubbing my shoulders.

"Calm down, you want me to calm down?"

"Yes. Katherine covered for you last night saying you stayed at her place. Katherine also brought over some of your clothes you had at her house and for the resign you're late for school I can take care of. So calm down breathe and take a shower." He pecked my lips and pushed me towards the bathroom door smacking my ass.

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