Chaper 16

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Not Edited

Chapter 16

Faiths P.O.V

Beau most finally realize what I'm doing as he nods his head in approval. Without anymore waiting I lean down and soon my teeth are sunken in to his flesh.


Faiths P.O.V

I've been staring at Beaus sleeping face for an hour now, just admiring what I have. My wolf has been humming in contempt also, meaning she fully accepted them. FINALY! I'm currently cuddled up to Beaus side with one of his arms holding my waist and the other one just laying at his side. I take in his scent every once in a while, because I just can't get enough. He looks so peaceful sleeping, his eyebrows are knitted together which form a crease in between them. Also there's a slight smile at the corner of his perfectly plumped lips.

How did I get so lucky. Yes I've heard the stories of the big bad wolves from the Midnight Moon pack. How they are mostly made up of soldiers and big men. Also on how every Alpha they've had is ruthless and cold. I just can't see Beau being either, sure he puts on his emotionless mask but don't we all.

I bring my fingers up to the side of his neck where you can see a perfect crescent shape mark forming on the side of his neck. My fingers move closer just wanting to feel the scar under the pads of my fingers. Closer, and as soon as my fingers touch the mark Beaus eyes fly open and a spark traces through me and up to my mark.

Beau smiles at me rolls me over so he's towering over me. I look up into the deep sea blue eyes, just staring at me.

"Were you staring at me?" Beau questions leaning down to kiss my neck the opposite of my mark.

As he trails light kisses on my neck I answer with a nod, and I hear a chuckle in response as I shut my eyes trying to enjoy the feeling. "That's a little creepy," Beau says still kissing my neck then down to my collarbone.

I muster up all my voice and whisper back, "but I'm your creep."

I hear a groan and a slight growl as Beau whispers one word,"mine!"

Then it all turns into a blur as Beau attacks my face and I attack his. The softness of his lips surprised as I almost forgot what it felt like to kiss him. My heart was pounding in my chest at an unbelievable rate and before I knew it my hands were in his hair and my fingers were knotting themselves in-between each lock of hair. Then my hands developed its on mind as they started pushing his head farther down smashing his lips to mine. Soon Beau flipped us over as he was now sitting and I was in his lap.

With me on his lap Beau took a hold of my hips and squeezed. Beaus tongue slipped in to my mouth and moved against mine exploring my mouth. This sent my body into a frenzy as now I had butterflies in my stomach. His tongue was smooth but a little rough against mine and I loved every minute of it. All of a sudden the bedroom door is being opened but who ever is opening it is having difficulties. Then Beau has me behind him in a heart beat showing his inner beast by growling and snarling at the intruder that's at the door.

I can't see anything but Beaus back and I don't know who's at the door. I start to move around and try to see what's happening but something else catches my eye. The tattoo and scars on my mates back. I study them for a minute and hesitantly bring my finger tips up to the tattoo to trace the beautiful ink. The tattoo was mostly a design not just one image. It ran from the middle of his neck down to the middle of his back. It was beautiful. Before I could even study the whole thing I heard the most annoying voice ever.

"Beau it just me," the girl from yesterday shrieked. That didn't cease Beau's growling, it seemed to add more viciousness into the growl.

"You see I told you not to enter, but nooo 'Beaus a close friend he won't be mad if I enter his room, he loves me' *snort* that sure sounds like love," Katherine's voice drifts in to.

I lift my head a little over Beaus shoulder and see that bitch in the door way glaring at Katherine. I try to get up and split them up before a fight breaks out but Beau turns around and growls at me his eyes turning dark blue. I lean in a little and kiss his cheek the pull away and replace my lips with my hand caressing his cheek.

"Beau, calm down its just people," I whisper gently looking him in the eye. Slowly his eye color changes back to his normal green/blue color. When Beau gives me an assuring smile and turns back to the girls I zone back into the conversation.

"-- the fucking slut," Katherine finished.

The mystery girl was about to reply but Beau beat her to it.

"Both of you shut up! Do you realize that this is my home tell further establishment and I don't appreciate either one of your attitudes. Especially yours Serena, you know our pack rules and you also know better then to walk in a room of two mates," Beau growled out.

"But I-" Serena started to say but was interrupted by Beau again.

"No excuses go wait down stairs I will talk to you in a minute. . . Now!"

Serena scurried away from the door way and I could hear her footsteps as she ran down the hallway then down two flights of stairs. I heard laughter and saw as Carly and Emily came around the corner laughing their asses off. I got up off the bed and rang towards them and grabbed them all in a hug and we all started to yell out words of love. In the middle of Carly calling me an emotional bitch and that I need to develop the memory of calling and texting people arms encircled my waist and brought me into a hard chest.

"Well sweets I hope you enjoyed your pancakes and I really want to have you back in my bed and under me . . . But I see where this whole conversation is going and it just screams girl so I'm going to have that conversation with Serena and let you enjoy your friends!" Beau whispers in my ear then kisses my cheek and walks out the door sending me a wink.

The girls look at each other then back at me. They're all giving me a look so I just shake my head and jump back over to and on the bed.

"So pancakes?" Emily said walking over to the bed and sitting down on the edge.

"Yup. He made me breakfast in bed," I say with a smile as I laid up in bed and had my back up against the bed stand.

"Breakfast in bed sounds special," Carly says while her and Katherine get in a comfortable position on the bed.

"Okay what's with the mystery responses. It was just pancakes and it was just breakfast!" I say laughing slightly.

They look at each other and back at me again.

"Pancakes are an edible way of saying thank you for last night. And the breakfast in bed is a way of saying thank you so very much for last night," Carly says leaning forward.

I roll my eyes, they don't need to know about the marking. "Its just pancakes."

"Sure," Emily says nodding her head and winking at me.

"Dude we are all friends here, tell us the details!" Katherine says leaning forward.

"Okay," I make the sign for them to lean more forward, and when they are all close enough I start to speak well yell," THERE ARE NO DETAILS!"

They all fall back clutching their ears.

"Fine fine.... but how do explain your mixed scent or how about that mark on your neck?" Carly says pulling my hair away from my mark to show it to the room.

The girls start screaming and shrieking when they see my blush and how I look down at my lap.

"We are so having a girls night in!" Emily shrieks and the girls shriek in agreement.

Oh no. I'm dead.

Hope you guys like the new name!

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