Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Faith P.O.V

I know what's coming next just by the look in his eye and when he release a powerful howl it only confirms my suspension. I close my eyes and I feel Beaus mouth at my neck and I release a breathless moan when I feel his ignited teeth scrape my collarbone. Since I was only wearing a tank top and some work out shorts when I ran out of the house it was easy for Beau's teeth to meet my shoulder.

I was breathless by the time I felt him seek his fangs into my skin and when he did I let out a cry of pain then a sound mixed between a moan, groan and a sigh. Beau pulls back and licks the remaining trickles of blood. I moan at the lost of heat but I also sigh in relief when I feel the need seep away.

"Ahh," I let out a breath of relief before I drop, losing consist.



Beau P.O.V

I'm dead. I'm so so dead. Faith is going to kill me when she wakes up and realized I marked her. She was under the heat pheromones. When she realizes I marked her without her consent she's going to reject me then kill me. There's only a few good things about my mark on her neck and its that now my wolf is at bay, her heat is over until the following month and it felt amazing. I thought I was going to orgasm right there.

I halt my pacing and look over to Faiths body laying on my bed peacefully asleep. I walk closer and sit at the foot of the bed and I place my hand on her leg. God I love her, but she will pay for what she did earlier. Faith purposely agitated my wolf.

Don't blame our mate. Its your fault for not going through with the mating. Her heat won't stop till we-

That's enough. I know what you mean but I want to wait till she's ready.

We are an Alpha wolf what part of that don't you understand. She is also an Alpha wolf our Luna she is ready even if she doesn't know it yet.

I cut him off not wanting to hear anymore . I look back at Faith and I notice for the fifth time that shes barely wearing anything. The reasonable part of my brain points out that she was working out so the mini shorts and tank top are reasonable.

I looked over to the alarm clock sitting on my desk in the far corner of my room and notice it was already 10:00pm. I spent a whole hour staring at her, wow.

I strip off my shirt and switch my jeans to some sweat pants and I join Faith under the covers. As soon as I lay down I pull Faiths body to mine so she's snuggled up against my side with her head tucked under my chin and her heads laying on my chest.

I take in her scent and just lay there absorbing the feeling of having my mate in my arms. It feels so good to finally touch her without worrying that I'll hurt her. There still the possibility of me losing control of my anger but I'm positive that I'll never harm Faith. With Faiths scent surrounding me it was easy to fall asleep.



Faiths P.O.V

I woke up when I felt the pillow I was cuddled up to start to move. So I groggily grabbed hold on to it tighter not wanting to lose its comfort and warmth. I heard a hiss but I didn't pay must attention to it.

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