Chapter 13

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It took Beau a while to take back control but when he did it was dark out so we started to walk back to the pack house. Wait my bad let me tell you the truth, Beau dragged me back to his pack house. So far I have done a good job of ignoring him. I've also have come up with an idea to push his wolf to the edge and finally ger some kind of reaction out of him.

It might seem childish, but I don't want him thinking that I am okay with everything he's done. For chirst sakes he doesn't mark me, locks me up in his home, tells me where I can and can't go, then he goes off and hugs another female and how they talked I know there's history.

"Okay. Why are you glaring at my arm like it's a silver bullet. I didn't even do anything,"Beau says stopping in the middle of the forest, forcing me to stop to and look his way.

I turn my head the opposite way and huff. Okay maybe I am being a little bit bitchy, I'm just going to blame it on my heat.

"Faith, what did I do. Is this because of your heat."

I turn his way and look him dead in the eye and growl. In werewolf culture you never look an Alpha in the eye, even if Beau isn't yet the Alpha of his pack his wolf will still take this act as a threat and get dominant and thats what I want.

I see Beau's eyes flash a darker shade then they should be. I smirk inwardly knowing my plan is in progress. Beau steps closer to me but not to close. "Faith don't do that. You know what an Alpha wolf reaction to direct eye contact is, he wants to dominate you already dont push him," Beau gritts out.

I keep straight eye contact and this time I snarl at him, it's not an attractive look on females but.... it's going to have to do. Beau takes another step closer this time his eyes darken two shades and he growls back. "Faith-Don't-Push-It."

My glare hardens and I speak for the first time my words absorbing ebery emotion I feel, "you know I can leave. You have no hold on me except for the mate bond, but I still can get up and sneak away one night and who knows maybe I can start dating a real man who would actually fulfill my needs. How does that sound, because to me it sounds ravishing. "

I know my words pushed him over the edge because all through my little speech he was growling and shaking. Not even a second after I was done, I was up against a tree with Beau at my neck.

"Faith listen and listen good because I am inly saying this once," he growls in my ear causing me to have to hold in a shutter, " you are mine and mine alone no other man is to ever touch you or even look at you with the slightest amount of lust or I will kill him. I have been generous lately trying really hard to not show you my bad side but if it gets to the point where I have to show you who your mate is, I will do what I have to do."

I push his chest to get some distance away from each other so I have the ability to thknk anf fulfill my plan, but Beau seems to be made out of brick and won't move the slightest inch. I gather my thoughts and look him dead in the eye.

"You seem to be forgetting something. I am neither claimed or marked so I can do the fuck I please and you have no say," I say back in a whisper just like him.

I thought Beau was shaking before but now his body is literally vibrating and all I can do is think wrong thoughts. Then I realized that my heat is in full affect once again and I look up into Beau's eyes to see pitch black.

I know whats coming next just by the look in his eye and when he releaes a powerful howl it only confirms my suspension. I close my eyes and I feel Beaus mouth at my neck and I realease a breathless moan when I feel his ignited teth scrape my collarbone. Since I was only wearing a tank top and some work out shorts when I ran out of the house it was easy for Beau's teeth to meet my shoulder.

I was breathless by the time I felt him seek his fangs into my skin and when he did I let out a cry of pain then a sound mixed between a moan, groan and a sigh. Beau pulls back and licks the remaining trickles of blood. I moan at the lost of heat but I also sigh in relief when I feel the need seep away.

"Ahh," I let out a breath of relief before I drop, losing consist.

-Klaus P.o.v-

I can't believe the timing. Right when I find out my baby sister is hiding away with her mate a rogues decides to trespass onto our territory. For fucks sakes we haven't had rogues in years since the incident.

Rogues all over know our pack for our numbers and our behavior towards rogues. Our reputation isn't as ruthless as the Midnight Moons history. Thats why I'm a little hesitant to leave Faith with Beau, he was raised to feel no pity to kill anything the gets in his way of victory, but I know that he loves my sister more then anything.

Let's just hope my dad can see that; same with Michael. It makes me shutter just thinking about it. I push the thoughts to the back of my head as I pull up to the meadow where my father's beta found and captured the rogue. I could see John circling a body on the ground with some of the enforcers off to the side. Let's hope this is just going to be a quick and easy removal.

I turn off my car and open the door. When I'm out of the car I'm hit with this magnificent scent of sweetpea flower and vanilla. I keep my fsce neutral not wanting yo show any sign of gentleness; but as I get closer the scent only magnifies and the body on the ground is now a beautiful girl with raven black hair and gorgeous skin tone, I cant see her eyes because it looks like shes asleep.

Now I stand over the girl and I notice another thing she is deathly thin and had burises all over her arms. A growl escapes my throat as I picture a person injuring this angel.

"Klaus? Are you okay you seem a little tense?" I hear John ask from beside me.

"What's her name?" I answer with a question.

"We dont know sir. All we do know is that she was found here approximately 2 hours ago. When enforcer Will got here and found her she was almost asleep. By what I can tell she hasn't been a rogue that long and then she may have been the omega of het last pack baced on her bruises. I dont know what came over me but I let out a vicious growl just at the thought of someone hurting whats mine.

Mine? Growl? Where that come from I dont even know the girl and I already feel a responsibility to hold and protect her. My wolf all of a sudden became rest less.

"Klaus, what want us to do with her. I can have one of the enforcers carry her-" I cut John off with a fierce snarl and a reply of, "no one touches her but me. Now all of you men can go I can take care of it from here."

"But sir-" one of the enforcers tried to reason.

"That's an order Carlos now move," I said to everyone one of them.

When all the enforcers, including John where gone I laid down next to my angel and fulfilled my need to hold her. And when I finaly came skin to skin contact with her I realized why she has this affect on me.

I just found my mate, what is her name?

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