Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I could go through a hundred years of alpha training, rewatch the day my pack was attacked when I was 5 and see my pack die in front of me and I still wouldn't feel the pain I feel right now.


"Faith let me in," my mothers voice came from the other side of my locked, barricaded door.

I plugged my earphones in and blasted my music louder. I never thought I could hate my families voices more then I do now. Every time I hear one of their voices my stomach aches and my anger spikes.

Right when I got home I ran to my room and locked myself in. My thoughts filled with thoughts of Beau. Oh, Beau . . . what am I going to do. I have to contact him some how. My phone was taken away, and I've been banned from leaving this stupid fucking house! I also can't mind link him because we didn't even complete the fucking mating process, all because Beau wanted to wait for my parents approval. Well guess what! We are never going to finish the mating process now.

'Don't think like that. We will be united with our mate again.'

'I don't want to talk to you right now.'

'And why is that?'

'Its your fault we are in this predicament. You couldn't have held in your heat for just a few more weeks!'

'Just be happy you don't have periods like normal human girls. You heard of cramps, or how about bleeding from your vagina? Yeah compared to most girls you are lucky.'

I shudder at my wolfs words.

'Just leave me alone.'

Then there was nothing but the voices of Matchbox Twenty playing from my earphones.


"I'm not coming out!" I yell at the door for the hundredth time.

"For goodness sakes, Faith you have to eat. Just come downstairs for dinner. Please," my ex-brother Michael tries to reason.


"Faith stop being unreasonable and get your ass out of that room!" Michael yells, now getting angry. Well guess what? I don't give a flying fuck if he's mad or not.

"Hmmm, let me think about that. No," I finish off before getting back into my bed. Not before checking that the door was locked and barricaded, so were the windows.

When I sit down on my bed my stomach starts to growl out in anger.

"I know, I know. I don't know what else to tell you," I tell my stomach, patting it attentively. My stomach growls again.

I get up once again and journey into the bathroom where I have a glass sitting next to my sink. Picking the class up I put under the faucet and fill it up with water. I've been living off of water for the past two days. It's not healthy, especially not for a werewolf, such as myself. But there is no way in hell I'm leaving this room to join my suppose family.

I walk back into my room and walk over to the window that's facing the woods. Looking out I can clearly see the outlines of a males body and a females body. That's how it's been. Twenty-four seven. There are always guards sitting out in front of my windows.

Going back over to my bed I lie down and stare up at the ceiling. Two days, two awful, lonely, depressing days without Beau. At times I can feel Beaus presents in my mind, I can feel the spikes of anger, and at night the uncontrollable sadness. It breaks my heart to know its my families fault that my mate is suffering.

Curling up into a ball I cry. And it's not just a normal cry its the kind of crying where you can't breathe and all you can do is huff and puff, hiccup and sob loudly and you don't care. Where your eyes are cloudy with tears and you can't control it. Where your nose is dripping and you cant do anything because it wont stop. It's the kind of sobbing and crying that just makes you believe your heart is breaking and your inner organs feel like they are about to burst right out of your stomach. Where all you want to do is scream.

And that's exactly what I do. I scream, sob and cry, not caring that I'm in my parents house and that the entire pack can hear me right now. I don't care. I want them to know the pain I'm going through. I want my family to feel guilty, to know that they are the reason I am in this much pain. In the end I just want to see Beau. I fall asleep listening to my sobs and pounding on the door from my family wanting in.


"You can't do this to her!" A voice penetrated the darkness, waking me up just a bit.

"I can do whatever the hell I want I am her father and Alpha she has to obey me! And you, you have to respect my decisions as I am your mate and partner!" Another more muscular voice came in as well.

"But she's our daughter," the first voice tried again but it broke half way through.

"I'm not losing another child. Do you understand me. I have given a lot of stuff up for this family, for you and I will now do as I please!" The second voice harshly announced to the first voice.

"She's starving herself, don't you care!"

"Of course I care, she's my daughter but that's her own decision. I never told her once to stop eating, and if she wants to play it that way then she can. It will only hurt her." I hear the second voice finish off before I hear shuffling of shoes on wood floor. Then soft whimpers is all that's left. I still haven't opened my eyes but I can tell now that someone is standing over me as they kiss my head ever so gently and then disappear.

I'm so tired that not even into a minute of silence I am already asleep, clouded by darkness and the sounds of Beaus soothing voice. Telling me how everything's going to be okay.


I think waking up is the most painful part. Knowing that you are still stuck in a prison of sadness. So when I do wake up this time I'm not surprised at the heart ache it cause me. Looking around I'm still in my room, I'm not shocked to see that my homemade barricade is fallen apart and that my door isn't locked. I get up so fast and run to my door to lock it, and when done I lean against the door and fight the oncoming dizziness.

Today I have made a deal with myself. I'm getting out if this heel hole. I've locked myself in here for three days, so I know the shifts those guards at my window take and I also know the times when people check on me at my door. I should be good. Nothing can go wrong as long as everyone does exactly the same thing they did for the last three days.

I just have to wait an hour until the next shift and I should have about 5 maybe 6 minutes to get out my window, down the two story drop, across the six foot distance from the house to the woods. Then into the woods and as close to Beaus packs territory as I can get. Six minutes.... It will be fine, I can do this. I can do this.

This is the longest hour of my life! I swear its been 9:40 for at least five minutes. Maybe my clocks broken! If my clocks broken then I don't know what time it is, and if I don't know the time I might never get out.

Just calm down Faith, you are overreacting, the clock is not broken. Just breathe.

In and out.

In and out.

You see peaceful thoughts, just stay calm, everything is alright. Peace-

"Psss, faith. It's me Stiles. Let me in. Pssss!"

Are you fucking kidding me.

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