Stay With Me P.64 (Taewin)💖

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Since the beginning of time, or so it seemed, Taeyong and Sicheng had been a pair, woven together by a cosmic thread of fate. Their bond was as natural as the ebb and flow of tides, as effortless as the changing seasons. From the moment they met, there was an unspoken understanding, a magnetic pull that drew them close.

Taeyong was the fire to Sicheng's water, the warmth that melted away the ice around Sicheng's heart. Their camaraderie was born in laughter and late-night conversations, in stolen glances and secret smiles. But there was a gentle unease that hid beneath the surface, a tiny crack that only grew with time.

Sicheng, although deeply affectionate, held back when it came to physical touch. The warmth of his heart was shielded by a cool exterior, and while he poured his emotions into words, his actions remained reserved. This discrepancy gnawed at Taeyong, a persistent itch he couldn't scratch.

During the "Regular" era, the world seemed to change overnight. NCT 127 was a tight-knit brotherhood, an unbreakable circle of friends that shared not only stages but also dreams. Yet, like the turning of a page, Sicheng found himself stepping out of that circle and into WayV. The announcement rippled through the group, leaving behind a bittersweet aftertaste.

Taeyong's smile was strained during those days, his heart heavy as he watched Sicheng transition to the new group. There was an emptiness that settled in the space Sicheng used to occupy, a void that reminded him of their altered dynamic. As the miles grew between them, so did the emotional distance.


Weeks turned into months, and the ache in Taeyong's heart became a constant companion. He missed the days when Sicheng would playfully ruffle his hair, when their hands would brush against each other's as they walked side by side. It was as if a piece of himself was missing, a piece he had taken for granted until it was no longer there.

And then, just as the distance seemed insurmountable, the phone rang. Taeyong's heart skipped a beat when he saw Sicheng's name flashing on the screen. It had been so long since they talked one-on-one, just the two of them.

"Hey," Taeyong greeted, trying to mask the eagerness in his voice.

"Hey," Sicheng replied, his voice a mixture of uncertainty and longing. "I've been thinking a lot, Taeyong."

"About what?"

"About us. About how things have changed."

The honesty in Sicheng's words hit Taeyong like a tidal wave. It was a conversation he had wanted to have for so long, but fear had kept him silent.

"I've been thinking about it too," Taeyong admitted, his voice soft.

"I miss you," Sicheng confessed, his vulnerability hanging in the air like a fragile thread.

"I miss you too, Sicheng."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now