Stay With Me P.169 (Henmin)💖

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Hendery had always been the quiet one. In a group as dynamic and boisterous as NCT, he often found himself standing on the fringes, watching the chaos unfold with a bemused smile. He was a member of WayV, a subgroup of NCT, and while he loved his fellow members dearly, he couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water when he was with the larger NCT group. Their energy, their camaraderie, their sheer extroversion—it all overwhelmed him.

It was during NCT 2020's "Work It" unit that he first encountered Jaemin. Jaemin, a member of NCT Dream, was the polar opposite of Hendery. He exuded confidence, radiated charisma, and had a knack for making everyone around him feel comfortable. That was precisely what happened when he spotted Hendery sitting alone in a corner during a break in rehearsals.

Jaemin didn't waste a second. He strode over to Hendery, a bright smile on his face, and plopped down next to him. "Hey there," he greeted, his voice warm and inviting.

Hendery blinked in surprise. It wasn't that he disliked Jaemin; it was just that he wasn't accustomed to such direct interactions, especially not with someone as outgoing as Jaemin. "Uh, hi," he replied, offering a shy smile in return.

Jaemin didn't seem deterred by Hendery's reserved nature. In fact, he seemed even more determined to break through Hendery's shell. "You're Hendery, right?" he asked, even though he clearly knew the answer.

Hendery nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. He had seen Jaemin's performances before and admired his talent from afar. To have Jaemin sitting next to him now felt surreal.

"I've been wanting to meet you," Jaemin admitted, his eyes sparkling with genuine interest. "You guys in WayV are so cool, and your music is amazing."

Hendery's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure. It wasn't often that someone from NCT Dream went out of their way to talk to him. "Thank you," he mumbled, struggling to find the right words.

From that moment on, Jaemin made it his mission to include Hendery in their activities. He introduced him to other members, chatted with him during breaks, and even dragged him into impromptu dance-offs. Hendery was amazed at how effortlessly Jaemin could bridge the gap between their two worlds.

But what truly surprised Hendery was Jaemin's penchant for skinship. In NCT, physical affection was not uncommon, but WayV had always been a bit more reserved in that regard. Jaemin, on the other hand, seemed to thrive on it. He hugged, high-fived, and leaned on everyone, Hendery included. At first, Hendery was taken aback by the casual touches. It wasn't that he hated it; he just wasn't used to it.

Jaemin, however, was relentless. He draped an arm around Hendery's shoulders during one practice, causing Hendery's heart to skip a beat. "You're too stiff, Hendery," Jaemin teased. "Loosen up a bit."

Hendery managed a weak chuckle, trying to relax under Jaemin's touch. "I'll try."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now