Stay With Me P.181 (Minil)💖

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The year is 2023, and Jaemin and Taeil have been in a relationship for just over a year. They've had their share of ups and downs, but their love for each other has always managed to weather the storms. Their relationship, as of late, has been nothing short of perfect. They've navigated the challenges of fame and hectic schedules as members of NCT, and still found time to nurture their love.

However, life has a funny way of throwing curveballs when you least expect it. One fateful day, Taeil found himself in a motorcycle incident that would change the course of his year. The accident left him with minor injuries, but the doctor's orders were clear: no strenuous activities, and certainly no NCT promotions for the rest of the year. Taeil was devastated. His identity as an artist was intertwined with his NCT persona, and the thought of being sidelined was a tough pill to swallow.

Jaemin, his caring and compassionate partner, couldn't bear to see Taeil in such distress. He knew he had to be there for Taeil during this challenging time. After getting the news of Taeil's accident, Jaemin rushed to his side. As he walked into Taeil's hospital room, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Concern and love flooded his heart, but there was also a sense of helplessness. He couldn't change what had happened, but he could be there for Taeil. Taeil's face lit up when he saw Jaemin. Despite the pain and frustration he felt, the sight of Jaemin brought a smile to his lips. He extended his hand, and Jaemin took it, their fingers entwining.

"Hey, babe," Taeil whispered, his voice laced with gratitude and affection.

Jaemin leaned in and gently kissed Taeil's forehead. "Hey, yourself. How are you feeling?"

Taeil sighed, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. "Physically, I'll survive. But mentally, it's tough, Jaemin. I can't believe I won't be able to perform with NCT for the rest of the year."

Jaemin nodded, his heart aching for Taeil. He knew how much music meant to him, how much he thrived on the energy of the stage. "I know it's hard, Taeil. But we'll get through this together. I'll be here for you, every step of the way."

Taeil's eyes welled up with tears, and Jaemin gently wiped them away. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Jaemin. You're my rock."

They spent the day together in the hospital room, cuddled up in the narrow hospital bed, their fingers intertwined and their hearts even more so. Taeil talked about his fears and frustrations, and Jaemin listened, providing the emotional support that Taeil needed. Jaemin had always been the one who could calm Taeil's inner storms, and this time was no different.


As the day turned into evening, Taeil's eyes grew heavy. Exhausted from both the physical and emotional toll of the accident, he closed his eyes. Jaemin watched him sleep, his heart swelling with love and concern. He knew that the days and weeks ahead would be tough, but he was determined to be Taeil's pillar of strength. The next morning, as the first rays of sunlight filtered through the hospital window, Taeil stirred awake. He reached out to find Jaemin's side of the bed empty. Panic set in for a moment until he spotted a note on the bedside table.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now